8 - Mac Taylor/Martin Fitzgerald

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Mac: (leaning against the counter) "Martin, you ever tried brewing your own coffee?"

Martin: "Coffee? Sure, but I usually just grab a cup from the machine."

Mac: "Nah, I mean really brewing it. Grinding the beans, measuring the water, finding that perfect balance."

Martin: "Sounds like a science experiment. But sure, I'm up for it."

Mac: "Good. First, you need fresh beans. Smell them—like earth and possibility."

Martin: (sniffing) "Okay, I'm getting the earth part. What's the possibility smell like?"

Mac: "That's the mystery. Now, grind the beans. Coarse or fine, depending on your mood."

Martin: "Mood-based coffee. Got it."

Mac: "Next, the water. Not too hot, not too cold. Just right."

Martin: "Goldilocks coffee. I'm on it."

Mac: "Pour it over the grounds. Watch them bloom—their secrets unraveling."

Martin: "Secrets? Mac, it's just coffee."

Mac: "Everything has secrets, Martin. Even coffee. Now wait. Patience is key."

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