We're Doing This My Way Now

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Tari slowly went up to the door when it swung open to reveal that Four had come over. The sudden cheerful expression of him had startled her as he came in uninvited. "Hey Tari! I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for making a good impression on One and Two today-WHAT!?" He stopped in his tracks to see Morshu on a table, freaking out. "WHAT IS MORSHU DOING HERE!?"

Tari tried to defend her actions by replying "I couldn't leave the poor guy there. He needed my help." Four, on the other hand, was twitching and trembling for what would happen. If anybody saw that the meme was missing, he would be done for. "Oh no...this is bad." Tari felt a little offended. "How could I just walk away and not do anything!?"


"I had to do something."

"Without telling anybody!? Without asking for permission!?"


Tari just stopped talking. She hated arguing with her friends and Four didn't exactly feel like it either. Stress was just getting the better of them. They stood in silence for a second when all you could hear was Morshu's "mmmmMMMMMMM." Four sighed and said "Look Tari. I know you had good intentions, but you have to return him to Smg1 and Smg2!"

Tari wasn't sure if she was ready yet, but then the two turned to the meme who had gotten into some stuff. He began pointing to it and advertising "Lamp oil, rope, bombs. You want it? It's yours my friend! As long as you have enough rupees." The two stood there with dumfounded expressions until Tari finally said "Alright let's go."

They stopped up a cage to put Morshu in and drafted a blanket over it so no one could see what was in it. "If we hurry, we can put him back before anybody realizes he's missing." Four was in quite the rush to leave, but once he opened the door, he immediately wished he hadn't. The same two Toad guards from earlier were standing there with stern faces that slipped Four's face into panic. "We were told that we could find Smg4 here. We regret to inform sir that a meme has gone missing."

Four quickly put on a nervous smile and said with a fake tone "Really? You don't say. Ha...ha.." The two froze when a muffled "mmmMMMM" sound came from the cage. The two guards raised their eyebrows in suspicion so Four covered it up by making it look like he was searching for something. "Hmmmmm..." He nudged Tari so she would get the hint and they both just went around, tapping their chins in thought and going "Hmmmm" a bunch of times.

The guards shared glances with each other. "Do you think they're on drugs?" one guard whispered to the other. Four nervously said "Just looking for my phone!" Tari pointed at his overalls and said "Don't you always carry it in your pocket?" He giggled anxiously and said "Did I say my phone? I meant my...chlone! Yeah!"

He began shoving the toads out before he could humiliate himself any further. "Well you guys better be on your way if you want to find that missing meme. Thank you so much for keeping me up to date. Goodbye!" He slammed the door and breathed a sigh of relief and then peeked out the window to see if the guards were leaving. Thankfully, they were. He then turned his attention to Tari, who was heading straight for the door. "What are you doing!?" She stopped in confusion and said "Going to return Morshu?"

Four ran in front of her to block the exit and yelled "WE CAN'T NOW!" Now Tari was even more confused. Four was onboard literally 10 seconds ago and now he wasn't. "Why not?" He grabbed onto her jacket and began shaking her. "Do you have any idea what will happen if One and Two find out you took the meme!?"

"No? Do you?"

"WELL....no....but it can't be anything good!" He started reminding about her being banished or snapped from reality yada yada. "Do you really think Smg1 and Smg2 would do that?" He stood in silence for a second. "No. It probably won't happen. I'm just being stupid. I just don't want to take any chances."

Tari sighed as she removed the blanket and opened the cage. "All that matters to me is that Morshu gets well." He hopped out and began rolling around again. "That's very kind of you. I'll message you when you get banished...unless I'm banished too somewhere that has no wifi then you'll message me. Deal?" Tari looked at him with pleading eyes and said "Please Four. You just have to help me get Morshu healthy and then we'll return him to One and Two. And then everything will be fine."

He took a look at Morshu, trying to remember the knowledge of how to take care of a meme. "Crap. I don't have my camera. Did you try giving him any medicine?" She nodded and said "I tried, but he wouldn't take it." Four groaned and sternly told her "Then you have to make him take it! You can't just take these things lightly! Show him who's the boss! Make him straighten up and act right!"

"Uhh...how does a meme act right?" Tari asked while Four grabbed the uneaten pill and said "No excuses!" He shoved the pill down Morshu's throat and said "Done. What else?" Tari thought for a second and said "Well he keeps scratching the...infected places..." Four took out a cone that Tari kept for vet emergency's just like that and pulled it over his head. The meme began struggling around to pull it off, but it didn't work. "I don't think he likes it very much."

"Too bad. You want him to get better right?"

"Yes but-"


Tari watched Morshu continue to flob around and told him "Well...It would be better for him to get some rest, but I can't get him to sit still." Four grabbed the flailing meme and said with a smirk "One step ahead of you."

The cage was once again covered with a blanket, but now it was vibrating and many grunts could be heard behind it. Tari felt bad, but reminded Morshu "It's for your own good. I promise. Just try to relax and get some sleep." Four looked at a luke-warm bowl of soup and asked Tari "What's this for?"

"I made it for Morshu, but he wouldn't eat it."

He picked up the bowl of soup and said "Oh, he'll eat it alright." Tari watched in concern as Four ripped the blanket off the cage and slowly opened the cage door to "feed" the soup to Morshu. This was the meme's chance. He dashed out of the cage, knocked the soup out of Four's hands, and bolted out the door. Tari screamed out "Morshu come back!" She ran after him with Four quick behind.

"Oh god. I am so screwed."

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