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Chapter 20

Editor :

Anol Paraminphisan's super special time
(Arc's pov)

My life is just like other peoples'. Honestly, there's not much difference, but almost everyone has told me that I'm not like everyone else because I have something special that a lot of other people don't have. They say I'm different, just because I'm beautiful.

In this world, most people judge others based on first appearance. I am always welcomed by everyone, I've received good things in front of my friends, I'm recognized without having to prove myself too much, I'm memorable, and the topic of discussion. Few people seem to understand that it's really just a façade.

I have real friends, but it took a long time to meet them. I can still vividly remember that day - I was participating in school activities for the first time.

I didn't need much during my time as a freshman, I just wanted friends to chat with and to participate in fun activities. But of course, it was beyond what I expected. Everyone wanted to get to know me. People came to talk to me for the same reasons. They would first look at my appearance, then say hello and ask to please be friends. Some girls were probably hoping for more than that. Which is ... honestly ridiculous.

If my face is beautiful, then aren't other parts of me beautiful? Damn it, I hate to admit it, but yes.

It was fun making new friends at first, but over time I started to feel like I wasn't myself. People make a lot of friends, but what good are they if you can't even remember their names. This was the thought that had popped up in my mind, it was like a spark of change that made me want to start transforming myself and create a barrier.

It wasn't until that big moment that I decided to dismiss the need to get acquainted with outsiders who wanted to reach out to me.

(** Its flashback of Arc campus life and How he fell in love with Arm)

I didn't think my number was so great that people had to scramble to get it. I received so many calls, my phone vibrated nonstop. From that number to this number. Continuous SMS notifications. All my social networks linked to my phones were severely threatened.

I'm not sure how insane I was feeling at that time. I just know I almost died waiting for it to pass.


I was tired of this. I wanted to live my own life and choose to bond with only the people on my team.

Change my number. Delete all social networks and re-register. Only agree to make friends with acquaintances and close friends. As for girls, I won't talk to them. I am quite serious when it comes to love. So getting started with someone is not easy. I guess you can say I'm more self-isolated than the average person.

But that's what love is. I already told you, I'm not a very nice person. If you date but your personality doesn't match, you break up. I was miserable knowing that if I couldn't reach it, I also wouldn't hold on, I would let it end. Love during my first year thus ended easily and I didn't think I would ever fall in love.

Honestly, I'm happier being alone. I hang with friends, we meet up, cheer on our soccer teams. There's nothing bad about repeating this.

(** My life : 50% translating, 20% fangirling, 20% working, 10 % sleeping. Repeated everday 😂)

"Arc, when will you get a girlfriend?" My friends on industry faculty often asked me this.

They would tell me there were a lot of people lined up to date me. But ask yourself a small question, how many people would really be welcomed by Arc?

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