chapter 34 - round 2

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3rd POV

Kyo sprinted through the village as fast as she could towards the hokage stone faces. She was having some trouble evading civilians so she thought she should take to the roofs instead to be faster.

So after making it onto the roof of the nearest building she started to pick up the pace again and was doing well until she sensed a chakra heading her way.

"Okay kyo don't panic. Remember this is a test and nobody here is actually trying to kill you so you need to be gentle."

Talking to herself was able to calm her nerves just in time for kyo to turn the direction of her attacker and pull out a kunai to defend herself.

She tried to feel their chakra but it didn't belong to anyone she knew. They were dressed in an outfit similar to the jonin outfit but wore a mask on their face.

"Hmm like kashi so this person must be in the anbu. How scary"

Kyo then jumped backwards and put her kunai away when she noticed the anbu put theirs away. She didnt have time to question what they were doing because the anbu had swung at kyo. Luckily she had quick reflexes and was able to dodge.

"Hand to hand combat like that time with sushi"

She put up her fists took a deep breath and charged at the anbu swigning and kicking, landing hits wherever she could but they had little to no effect because of her size. After some time exchanging blows she thought of that time she spared with her brother.

A few days ago...

Kyo was sitting on the grass breathing heavily after throwing a series of attacks at shisui using hand to hand combat. They had no effect on shisui but took a toll on kyo.

"Sushi why aren't you suffering?" kyo whined.

"Because your little munchkin hands are so small your punches dont have much effect on someone bigger than you." shisui answered with a smile.

Kyo had grown annoyed of the fact that she wasnt winning and threw herself back on the floor.

"But everyone is bigger than meeeeee" she whined again.

"This is true."

Shisui was thinking of a way to help his sister in this moment when he had come up with a solution.

"I got it."

Kyo sat up immediately with a smile.

"You do?"

"Of course i do im sushi"

Kyo then stood up and said "Well what is it?"

Shisui then explained "I heard that you've been able to control your chakra to the point of walking up trees. This also has helped you control your wood style. So why dont you do something of the same method. Put some chakra into your fist when you punch that way it'll be stronger. Make sense?"

Kyo then thought about it for a bit and nodded.

"Yeah i wanna try"

Kyo then took a breath and started running at shisui building up chakra in her fist.


Before shisui could finish his sentence kyo had hit him with her chakra infused punch and he flew into a couple trees.

Kyo then ran up to shisui who was sprawled out on the floor groaning in pain and hovered over him asking "How was that?"


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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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