Chapter Twenty Nine

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The celebrations had continued almost into Tuesday morning in the end. By the time the pair of them woke up well after lunch time on Tuesday it took a moment to work out what day it was.

"I can't move. I'm going to die." Lando cried dramatically as she tried to turf him out of the hotel bed knowing full well he was going to end up missing his flight that had already been rescheduled once to allow for celebrations.

"Come on." She tried again but he was like a dead weight. "You can sleep on the plane."

He tentatively opened one eye to look at her. She could only imagine how his head was feeling from her own hangover. "How are you so chirpy?" He groaned, closing his eye again.

She laughed quietly, knowing full well she'd switched onto drinking water a long time before he had. "Come on, get up!" She crawled back onto the bed to see if she could push him out the other side.

It didn't work though. He just captured her in his arms without even opening his eyes and pulled her into his chest. "Let's just stay here." He suggested. "I'm not quite sure I'm ready for this weekend to be over."

She couldn't argue with that. It had been one of the best weekends she'd had in such a long time. She was so incredibly happy for him, the dream he'd worked so hard for had finally been achieved. She hoped it would perhaps take a little bit of the pressure off and stop him being quite so hard on himself.

She had eventually managed to drag him out of bed and into the shower before they headed for the airport. He'd complained bitterly the whole way there and she was starting to wonder if his hangover was going to last longer than the celebrations did.

Then there had been the moment of realisation as they stood hand in hand in the airport lounge that they were going their separate ways again. He was going back to Monaco before he continued on to Abu Dhabi for the final race of the year and she was headed back down to Miami to resume rehearsals for the upcoming tour dates, look for a new manager and complete her ever growing list of tasks.

"I'm really proud of you." She said softly, hand cupping his face as she stared into his eyes trying to work out what he was thinking. His expression was unreadable. "It's not for long, a few weeks." She reminded him.

He nodded in agreement, although a little reluctantly. He'd only just got her back and now here they were, about to be on two different continents again. "What a weekend!" He shook his head again in disbelief. He wasn't entirely sure it was ever going to sink in.

"You can go and do it again in Abu Dhabi and I'll celebrate with you when you get back." She grinned. Her eyes were shining with the tears that were welling and she refused to let fall.

"That sounds like a plan." He agreed.

They both stopped as the over head announcement called for her flight back to Miami to board.

"I need to go." She said, making no move to leave.

He tightened his arms around her for a moment, leaning down to kiss her. "Call me when you get home."

"You'll still be on your flight back." She reminded him. "I'll be fine." An uneasy feeling had already settled over her at the thought of going back to Miami but she wasn't about to tell him that.

"I know, but call me anyway." He said, giving her one more kiss. "I love you." He whispered in her ear.

"I love you." She repeated, pulling herself away from his embrace. She forced herself to put one foot in front of the other, knowing full well given half an excuse she'd miss her flight and stay with him.

I can do it with a broken heart (Lando Norris)Where stories live. Discover now