4.3 - "say hi to her for me"

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needless to say, woong became the bet for that night.

woong however, felt disgusted by the fact these races were capable of betting on women alongside money.

it took jay a few minutes to calm her down from the anger that she felt. she could understand if they betted on money or honours but on a person? a woman? it's utterly disgusting.

"how can one bet on a person?" she huffed while watching sunghoon conversing with jungwon who was in the car through the window. the racers were now lined on the track, warming their engines and planning their strategy.

"angel, everything about this place is illegal. all their bets are illegal - which! i don't condone! but it's the tradition" jay patted her shoulder in attempt of calming her down.

woong could hear the concern and attentiveness in his voice, resulting in her blushing slightly. jay saw the pink hue on her cheeks and chuckled at her.

"what so funny?" sunghoon interrupted, "i don't want to be left out"

"how's jungwon?" jay asked, "he's ready - so come on! tell me why you're laughing"

as sunghoon was giggling away with woong, the flag girl came by in between the cars. jay watch as the flag girl raised her flag, preparing to commence the race.

"hold on, angel" jay placed his hands on both her ears, covering it firmly. woong looked at him confused and he just nodded in assurance at her. sunghoon took her hand and just played with it, tangling and playing thumb war with her.

woong was quietly grateful to jay for protecting her ears - even though she could still hear the loud roars of the engines, his hands muffled the sounds which still saved her ears. sunghoon on the other hand, covered her line of view when the cars were now taking of like a shot, leaving a cloud of smokes and pebbles flying around.

jay release his hands away from her ears and on time, her housemate called out to her, "woong-a!" yejin engulfed her in a hug. right after pulling away, she patted the girl from top to bottom, "are you ok? are you hurt? i've been looking for you!" she worriedly expressed

"i'm fine! they kept me company" woong pointed to the two males on either side of her.

yejin looked at the two and gulped, the familiar faces making her way nervous than she should, "hey...thanks for looking after her!" she thanked, "let's go, babe" yejin attempted to pull woong with her but a hand blocked her from going anywhere further

"i think you should just stay here in the mean time. it's crowded and two young ladies alone isn't ideal in a place as illegal as this" sunghoon suggest - or what yejin quoted 'insisting'

"yeah, jinnie, i think we should stay here until the crowd disperse! plus they're sweet!" woong grinned.

yejin looked over at the two male who was looking at her and bit her lip, intimidated by their stare, "s-sure!"

"what the fuck, yang?!" jaesang slammed his car shut and stomped towards the car that had just bumped into his bumper with a huge metal spike that was clearly man made.

jaesang inspected his bumper and saw the holes that pierced his beloved car. his eyes glared at the young man that exited his car.

"fucking, yang jungwon! what the hell was that? are you playing dirty now?! is this what you do to win during those races - what is that?" jaesang saw a long spiked bat in the hands of the male that was stepping slowly towards him.

jaesang stumbled back as he looked back at the younger male's eyes. the darken looked filled with crazed and rage.

"y-yang..." jaesang stepped back from him and hit the back of his car, "this isn't funny-" the sound of the spike from the bat hitting the ground silenced him as jungwon dragged the bat

"that's why when i told you to bet on something else, you do it" jungwon's voice was deep and it made jaesang's hair stand.

"i'm sorry! i promise to not take your girl! let me live! you win, you can take her - but please don't kill me" he begged, glancing behind every once in a while to keep himself from being cornered by the bloodthirsty man in front of him.

"well, should've done that when i told you to change it. you see, once i touch my bat, i never stop"

jaesang was now circling his car, reaching the drivers side. he's hands now touching the handle and he planned on getting in the car and quickly drive off.

nevertheless, jungwon saw right through him.

as soon as jaesang opened the door, jungwon's feet kicked on the door, shutting it close. jaesang - with his not quick reflex - had his fingers stuck. he wailed as he felt his bones crack on how hard the door shutted on his fingers.

jungwon crouched down towards jaesang's struggling body and spoke up, "you see, it would love to cut you open - but. you're not mine to cut up, yet. the process is going to take a while, and woong would be worried"

in a flash, a motorbike sped past them and drifted to the front of the car as they parked the bike there.

"oh hyung!" jungwon grinned darkly

the motorcyclist got off the bike and nodded at jungwon, greeting him.

"he - is the one going to deal with you. be grateful that you got the most skilled and talented person to cut you up. he's not going to be merciful because the girl you betted upon was his girl - not mine -"


"yet" jungwon repeated, "so have fun"

the motorcyclist, had long discarded his helmet and looking at jaesang,

shit, he's way scarier.

jungwon was now throwing his bat to the side as he walked back to his car. the motorcyclist now was taking jungwon's position by crouching in front of jaesang

"hi there! i'm jake!" the puppy grin completely disguised his rage burning in him.

"i heard from a birdy that you want my baby?" jaesang heard the possessiveness that laced his voice.

"i'm sorry! not anymore! you can take her!"

"so you do want her. she's not an object to bet on or for you to take" jake faked his pout.

a bag fell next to the side of the two. both jake and jaesang looked up to see jungwon grinning at them, "if you need anything, it's in here. now i need to get back to the finish line because your girl is waiting for me"

"say hi to her for me"

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