chapter 10

7 3 7

☕... What? I'm trying to update as much as possible ☕. The weather at my country is soooooo nice . It's cloudy to Rainy ⛅.
Look at the picture over there ☝️. Anyway let's get going ~💫:


Sheza POV:

I turned off my phone after i send that message to kera. I took a deep breath then went out of the laundry room. Wearing the clothes of the workers here which is green shirt , hanging on it name card <Lucy grace> with a green pants. Making sure to wear the green workers hat .

"Duh, ditching me like this, are you?"

"Zake you know it's not the right time to fool around right?"

Zake shrugged my words to him as he started walking beside me holding a mop and bucket. He was wearing the same clothes as me except his is much bigger.

"Uyakata-sama must be really Ungratified to ask us to meet him here"

Zake said with his cold voice , not giving me single glance. I gulped then nodded my head slowly.

"Don't worry, we will go through it together. Uyakata-sama is a kind person in the end."

I faced zake to see him giving me a warm , closed eyes smile. I smiled back then looked infront of me. Right now we are at the first floor. And we have a good reason for that.

"Ohh! Nice timing! Come over here there's some stains of coffee here"

"I'm on my way there!"

One of the police officers called us. Yes, we are police station of the capital.The building has 12 floors, the higher you go up , the higher ranking officer you meet. It's not like anyone can even enter the second floor without having any records. It's so Sheltered from the inside and outside. It's not our first time to enter it anyway.

Zake went quickly to clean the coffee stains while i run onto one of the officers who was walking toward the front door. I Baptized my full to the floor and started whinng softly.

"Hey, are okay?"

"O-o I'm so sorry sir ! I-i mean it!"

"It's okay, just be careful next time"

I made sure to keep my head low as nodded then went to zake to help him carry the bucket which is full of soap while he hold the mop. He whispered quietly as he came to take the bucket from me.

"Did you get it?"


Just as i walked toward him , we saw the general getting out of the elevator. No word was said as we both know what to do . Zake started walking toward me ,The moment he came to hold the bucket from my hand, i pulled a card from my sleeve and slide it in his sleeve as i pull the bucket toward me while saying Whispering loudly. Making some of the Employees give us a glance.

"FUCK OFF! I can hold it! I know you are doing this cuz you don't want to tell me what you heard!!"

"Hah! As if! Saysthe one who knows who leaked the system informations!! "

"Care about your business! Say one more word , and I'm gonna tell someone that you know something!"

"Oh really?! Show me then!!"


The general of this section screamed at us. He stormed to us angrily . We both lowered our heads , to show our Subjections to the general , feeding his ego.

"General-sama!! It's an owner to meet you in person!!"

"General-sama what a lucky day for us to have your presence here!!"


Both of us nodded at the same time , still lowering our faces.

"But before this! Take this away"

He said pointing at the mop and bucket

"You got this?"


Me and zake smirked , knowing that we have the permission now to enter the 4th floor.


"You both came"

Zake and me immediately jumped out of the wind Aperture on the ceiling while Uyakata-sama was looking through the huge glass at the city below him.


We said at the same as we (you know when the position that the hashiras greet uyakata-sama with? Yeah both of sheza and zake doing it now)

"I hope you both didn't have hard time getting here"

"It doesn't matter as long as we see you in a good health"

Uyakata-sama then turned to face us, looking at us with his calm eye , his other one is already damaged from a sickness that was already covering all his forehead.

"I'm really grateful that you both are in a good health too, my children. Take a site"

Me and zake didn't move a single finger, shaking our heads slowly.He the started walking toward his site behind the large table .

"Now, let's get from were we stopped, shall we?"


Muichiro POV:

Ahhhh it's boring. I had enough from history (of course because rengoku isn't who is teaching it 'v'). It's not just me , almost the whole class . Sheza is sleeping soundly before the class even start.

I was staring at blue sky from the windows, when i felt like someone was staring at me. I turned to take a look, to find a girl with purple hair that has orange stripes staring at me. When she saw that I'm looking at her, she quickly turned her face to the board.

I was confused what is wrong with ?. In the first place, this is the first time i see her around . Maybe she is a new student?.

Again i was playing with my pen, when i felt someone is staring at me. It's her again. I shrugged it and ignored her stares.


It is now the break time, i was sitting with our friends group (you know, tanjiro and the rest,. Including genya) talking about several things. I noticed yuichiro and kera wasn't here yet so i asked

"Hey, where's is yuichiro?"

Tanjiro answered me by saying they hasn't arrived yet so i just nodded.

After few minutes, yuichiro pulled out with kera and two girls , one of them is the same girl who was staring at me , and the other one is quite familiar to me.


Hey guys, i just realized that my first chapters in this book is sooo ... a-a silly? Yeah , you can say that so I'm gonna go there and fix my cringe ideas 😁👍🏻.
So you soooon 💫

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