13. Family Time

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Chapter 13 Family Time

Do read the Author's note at the end.

Missed me? (I don't think so, you guys didn't even comment.)

Author's POV:

Today was a normal day in the lives of Rathores and Roys. All of them were busy in their respective works.

But the next day is going to be a special one. Why?

Because the families planned to have a casual get-together, something different from the usual ritual performing gathering.

Soon the night changed, and it turned into the next day. Roys were all dressed up to go to Rathore Haveli. And in Rathore Haveli, Vaidehi, Sunaina, and Naina, were cooking some special 'vyanjan' for their esteemed guests.

But amidst the bustling preparations, two figures stood out: Rudranshi and Mrinal. They were, quite literally, the "bhoots" of the occasion. Their task? To retrieve forgotten treasures from the store room. Both of them were given the task of taking out baskets, mats, and other outdoor-related things from the store room. And, an Indian household's store room generally means a room filled with things never touched for years, covered in golden dust. Or a room filled with very 'important stuff' but nobody knows when that very important stuff will be used.

Mrinal, the eternal prankster, pulled out an old cricket bat. "Perhaps we'll play a match after the feast," he mused, twirling the bat like a magician's wand. Rudranshi chuckled at his antics.

So yeah, that's the story behind our bhoot siblings.

Coming to workaholic Rudransh and Mrinali, they were not working.

Yes, they were Not. Rather, Rudransh was bugging Mrinali by asking her 'Ye pehnu?' and 'Ye utna bhi khaas nahi' in every 2 minutes.

At last, Mrinali found out with the help of her 'sootra' what color Suharika is wearing.

Mrinali: Kaala pehan lo bhai, bhabhi sa ne wahi pehna hai...

And after that, Rudransh went back to his room contentedly.

Mrinali chuckled and said: Men in Love.


The Roy family arrived at the Rathore Haveli, where they were warmly welcomed. Sunaina did their Aarti and Naina put a tilak on their foreheads.

As the formalities concluded, Sanyukta and Vaidehi, shared a warm hug and exchanged their signature friendship handshake. The atmosphere shifted from formality to comfort, and everyone settled in. The elders engaged in lively gossip, while Aryaaman playfully flirted with Rudranshi among the younger crowd, causing her cheeks to turn crimson. Mrinal, ever the enthusiastic supporter, cheered Aryaaman on.

Suharika, witnessing the adorable interaction between the others, couldn't help but react with an affectionate "aww" and a smile. Her eyes sparkled with delight as she found the whole situation incredibly endearing. Meanwhile, Rudransh, who had been observing Suharika closely, felt his heart skip a beat. His gaze lingered on her, mirroring the expression of a love-stricken puppy—captivated, hopeful, and utterly smitten.

Meanwhile, in the background, Shashwat and Mrinali were having a glaring contest. (Only Bhagwan Ji and the author know why 😼. Tabhi bataungi jab bahut saare comments karoge, warna bhool jao tumne/aapne ye line kabhi padhi thi.)

After some time, they decided to move into the garden. Here also, the elders were busy chatting. At the same time, the youngsters decided to play some games. So they decided on...

Game suggestions do, aur describe bhi karo, the most liked comment will be the game. Or maybe games 😉.

Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

With ink-stained fingers and a heart heavy with regret, I pen this note. The chapter you hold in your hands—or perhaps scroll through on your screens—is shorter than the shadows cast by a fleeting sunset. For this, I beg your understanding.

My promise echoed through the hallowed halls of imagination: "As soon as the last exam paper is submitted, I shall return to weave the next chapter." Alas, life, that capricious muse, had other designs. She beckoned me to a different stage—one adorned not with quills and parchment, but with microphones and eager faces.

The 15th of May marked the end of my academic trials—the culmination of exams that tested not only my knowledge but also my endurance. As the last question was answered, I whispered a silent vow: "I shall return swiftly to the realms of imagination."

But duty called in a different form—a summons to anchor an important school event. The spotlight shifted from ink-stained pages to a stage adorned with microphones and expectant gazes. I stood there, torn between two worlds—the fictional realm I had crafted and the tangible one that demanded my presence.

And so, dear readers, I faltered. The inkwell remained capped, the quill untouched. The next chapter lay dormant, waiting for my return. Forgive me, for I am but a mortal caught between the lines of prose and the applause of reality.

But fear not! The promise still stands—I will update you soon. Perhaps even sooner than the moon waxes and wanes. Until then, hold fast to your curiosity, and may the winds of anticipation carry you through these interim pages.



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