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My internal clock is what wakes me. I'm usually up around 3AM but I'd slept in after last night's events. Based on the light outside with no sign of the sun yet, I guessed it to be between 5AM and 6AM.

I looked down at Soleil cradled in my arms running my fingers across her cheek and through her hair. She was sound asleep.

I had been abstinent to conserve my power and had thrown it away in the heat of the moment. I don't regret anything that happened last night but knew it would cost me. The question was, how much?

Getting up, I ready myself for a morning swim and leavd my girl in bed. We hadn't talked much after sex but I could hear the worry in her mind. She was anxious that things between us would change - that I wouldn't want her anymore now that I'd slept with her.

She was right on one count - things had changed. We would never be the same. But she couldn't be more wrong on the other. Like Cod had warned, I was bound to her. She couldn't get rid of me if she tried. 

Then there's my ability to now read her mind. I hadn't shared my discovery with her though. She'd already mentioned something about boundaries when I walked through her last dream. The word was laughable. There would be no such thing between us – not after last night.

Making my way out to the water, the crisp air is refreshing. I swim out and then across, moving against the tide. So much for abstinence, I berate myself expecting to feel the lethargy that comes after a strong nut, especially after having harnessed my sexual energy for so long.

To my surprise, it never comes. I actually feel stronger than ever. When the timer on my wristwatch goes off clocking my daily 33km swim, I'm surprised I had set a new pace for myself. What usually takes me 4 hours only took 3 and I could have kept going.

I'd swam the English Channel countless times setting my own record at 5 hours and managing to shave that down to 4 in the last year. One of my Labours would be crossing the North Sea from Sangatte, France to Lindesnes, Norway. My endurance would be tested over the 850km stretch. If I could maintain my current pace, I would only be in the water for 3 to 4 days.

I was curious about this change and found myself swimming toward the portal that would take me to the God's plane. I hadn't heard from Cod or felt his presence hovering over me in the earth realm which meant I had to go to him. I was interested in finding out what else this blood magic entailed other than binding myself to a virgin.

After being spun around and spit out by the whirlpool, I emerge on the other side to the endless day's bright blue skies. Similar to my last visit, soldiers roam the streets. On my way to the palace, I find myself slowing down and gravitating towards the spectacle that's taking place in a makeshift ring.

I stand on the sidelines watching the two hulking men go at each other. They move at the speed of lightning and every time they clash it sounds like the clap of thunder.

My second Labour would be a fight to the death. I had no idea who my opponent would be. Watching this combat, I wasn't sure I would survive if I was put up against one of them. I'm convinced these trials were designed to kill me.

The two behemoths came to a standstill when one holds a sword at the naval of the other, dragging the cast metal up to his neck. His opponent stands defenseless, his weapon lying a couple of feet away on the ground. A thunderous applause moves around the ring like a wave as the spectators cheer. I hate to admit that even I'm impressed and a little scared.

"Little god," says Jett, one of my sparring coaches. "Have you come here to watch or are you up for a fight?"

The answer was neither. However, I couldn't reveal the real reason I was here as it would highlight my lack of discipline. My pride has me stepping into the ring in acceptance of the thinly veiled challenge. On Earth, I was more god than man and here it worked in the reverse. I was more of a man and therefore weaker.

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