Charmed - 2.

691 54 25

I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end it doesn't even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end it doesn't even matter

~In The End - Linkin Park (Meteora)


 I wake up in my bed, in my room, I feel a sense of relief. Even though I don't know how I got here, I'm glad to be home.

I still feel weak and tired but quickly get up when I don't see Soleil. I head for the bathroom and relax a little when I see her things are still spread out on the counter the way she left them. It is then that the memories from the night before come flooding in. Shit.

How am I even going to explain myself out of this mess? She caught me again this time red-handed. The look on her face.... Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I have to tell her everything. It's the only way she'll understand if I have any chance of her forgiving me - again.

Showers are usually relaxing but I find my anxiety building. I must have a sick sense of humour because Shaggy's "Wasn't Me" is playing in my mind. I take a little more time than necessary. I'm nervous to see her.

Knowing I must face the music, I go in search of her only to come to a stop when I see Tshepo on the couch with the TV on and a pile of plates and snacks on the table.

"What are you doing here?" I ask surprised to see him.

"I think what you meant is, 'Good Morning Tshepo. Thank you for cutting your night short to save my life G. You're the best friend anyone could ask for.'"

He gets up and stretches, Are those my sweatpants he's wearing? More importantly...

"What are you talking about?"

"Bro... You know what? I'm going to give you a pass because I was worried about you. For a minute I didn't think you'd make it." I stare at him waiting for him to start making sense. "I flew in with my boys from Balito for Swedish House Mafia's set at the club. They were pushing Molly and ecstacy but you know how I feel about pills. Pops warned me about street Methamphetamines, so the guys and I decided to go outside for a blaze of the good greens only to spot some white boy passed out.

"The black part of me wanted to mind my business but the curious white side won and I went to scope the scene. Imagine my surprise when I saw it was you. What happened man? You had me stressed the fuck out. I wanted to call an ambulance. Hell, I wanted to call your dad. Shit! I was about to dial mine but Hidde told me not to. I'm glad you're awake though 'cause you had me up all night playing nurse and checking on you every hour or so."

He yawns and heads for the fridge.

"Where's Soleil?"

"That's a really good question. No one has seen her since last night. I wanted to call the police but again, Hidde wouldn't let me. I can tell that the guys are keeping me in the dark about what happened between you two. What's going on here? Did she drug you? That's what Hailey suspects."

"What the fuck? No! It wasn't Soleil. It was Ariel. I have to find her."

"Who's Ariel? Sounds like you caught a lick."

I don't have the time to explain and leave for the main house. Soleil is missing and no one is doing anything about this?

Useless - the lot of them.

"Brice! Slow down. What's going on with you?" Tshepo asks trailing behind me.

"I need to find my girlfriend."

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