chapter 7:

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Suddenly some one hit on my head and I loose my balance and fall on ground. Blood start coming out of my head.

But you know, I'm a god that doesn't affect me much.

I again stand on my feet and make a fist to punch him but he soon grab it and then I feel a dark sensation in spine. It was like he is not a human. But soon I use my power that cause he fly backward and his back hardly hit on wall and I clearly hear his groan.

Then I run towards Pia. Yeah, I remember her name. I burned the rope in just one finger snap. We were going to escape but I hear her voice.

"I can't run, my leg is injured", she just finished without wasting any time I pick her up in my arms and then I notice those people start coming closer. So I used my high speed power and came out of the garage and the again in one finger snap the whole garage blast.


He just pick me up in his arms. I can't believe, I'm in the arms of god, I was lost in my thoughts when a loud blast sound I hear and tightly hold his neck.

"Now, I can believe", I said and it sound like a whisper to me.

But he hear it and look at me with his dangerous eyes. So, I lower my gaze and bite my lips.

Then slowly he make me sit on a bench. He gave me my purse.

"Where did you find it?", I asked because it get lost when I get kidnapped.

"In this area", he replied with no emotion.

I quickly open it and luckily my phone is in it. I call sam and send my location.

In 15 minutes, he came there. He came out of the car and looked me in shock, I also pass a nervous smile.

"What happened to you? And who is he?", Sam asked looking at me with concern and points towards Luka.

"First of all give me the first aid kit from the car after that I will tell you all matter", I replied soon he came with first aid kit.

I take the first aid kit from Sam and going to wipe Luka's forehead from blood was dripping. But he held my hand so, it get stop in midway.

"What happened?", I asked innocently looking at him.

"I don't need all this, it heal in some time", he replied with straight face.

"Fine but I can clean it. If people saw you like this, they might get frightened", as I finished, he leave my hand and nodded his head.

Then softly I clean the blood.


As she was cleaning the blood her face was extremely close to my face. I get lost in her beauty. I was staring her and her eyes also meet my eyes and get stuck for a while. It was like we both drown in each other.

Then we both hear a cough sound and we parted. I also get up and straight my coat.

" I think, I should go", I said and was going but some one held my arm from back. I look at the person it's none other then her.

I give frown expression.

"first tell me why they kidnapped me?", I asked him and looking in his eyes to read his emotions but it no of use because he is emotionless freak.

Sam intreuppted taking both of us attention.

"I think we should first go to your house then you can talk there easily", he said and press a tight lip smile.

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