Chapter - 8 "The Horrible First Night"

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[Words Count:2058]

Laura Lewis

I am Laura Lewis, 25 years old working as a learner at Saints' Peter Hospital, I got kidnapped in the middle month of May 2024 and the next day I got married.

I am married to Ace Hoisington, he is about 27 years old and I don't know exactly what he does for a living. As he was my kidnapper I assume he must be a thug or a mafia. I don't exactly know and neither am I interested. I just know that we are married. Although I didn't wanna get married first but now as it is done I shall repay him.

After the marriage was completed I wanted to have a rest so I stood up to walk towards the room. I couldn't walk properly as I was hurt. Suddenly, the two big hands approached me, one was placed on the backside of my waist and the other was on the backside of my thighs. The two big hands carried me up instantly. I didn't even have the time to react as it happened suddenly. I instantly closed my eyes as soon as the two big hands carried me. After carrying me up when I got stable on his hands, I slowly opened my eyes.

I saw him, Ace Hoisington, my legal husband, carry me up in his arms. I sighed in relief as I realized the one who carried me was my husband. He started to walk upwards, carrying me in his arms. I remember before our marriage when I ran away and later when he caught me he was angry at me so he didn't help me earlier as I couldn't walk at that time as well. But now, as we are married he carries me up. I was surprised by his behavior towards me.

I was staring at him and he was walking forward carelessly like he couldn't even feel my weight. I think I have gotten slimmer or he has worked on his forearm. He gently put me on the bed as soon as we reached the room. I glanced at the room from left to right. The room was decorated with red roses and red rose petals. Of course, we are married and this was our first night so the room was decorated for our honeymoon.

Honeymoon! Oh no!

As I was busy glancing at the room, I noticed Ace, taking something out from the cupboard which was placed beside the bed. I couldn't see what he took out from the cupboard as his back was facing me. He turned and walked towards me. He took out the handcuffs from his pocket and tied one end on the edge of the bed and the other one on my right hand. It happened so suddenly that I couldn't even react or say anything.

"What are you doing?" I panicked as he tied my hands.

"I told you yesterday that If you try to run away I will tie you up with this bed for the rest of your life." He points his finger towards the bed.

I stood up instantly, "Open it!" I tried to get out by pulling my hand.

"Don't pull your hand, you will harm it." He says calmly.

"Aren't you treating me as an animal?" I shouted.

"First you kidnapped me, then made me perform the surgery, then threatened me with death, married me forcefully, not giving me anything to eat or drink for a whole day, and then kept me tied up like an animal. Aren't you treating me as an animal? I screamed as my eyelids were covered with tears.

He didn't think it was necessary to answer me. He ignored me and went to the washroom which was on the left side of the room.

The tears started to fall as I tried to free my hand from the handcuff. I wasn't able to free myself, It was hurting. My hand, my heart, everything was hurting.

He came out of the washroom with the box in his hand. He walked towards me and grabbed my free hand which was the left one to let me sit down on the bed.

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