Part 39

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Chapter 39


When the previous daimyo had proposed to him to marry his daughter, Akihito understood that he was set to come to a very extreme amount of power. Power to decide the fate of the whole continent through the position of the daimyo.

He was faced with a choice. He could choose to maintain the status quo, following in the footsteps of his predecessor, ruling with reason. Or he could dare to dream bigger, to use Chiba's aspirations as a catalyst. The lands had not seen a Shogun in many, many years, and though the path was arduous, he believed he could reach that pinnacle. But he was acutely aware that such a decision could ignite a war, a conflict that would cost countless lives.

Yet that would cause war, a loss of life that unsettled him. Akihito believed that life was precious, and while he knew that war was a necessity, he also understood that things must change.

And so, change them he would.

"Your student is fine," he told the man, who he believed would be his arms and legs to fulfill his dreams. Minato Namikaze, the yellow flash, was an anomaly in the shinobi world, much like Akihito was in the country.

Born to nothing, yet now, through sheer willpower and some luck, he sat in the highest office in the village, with his name feared all throughout the land.

"As we speak, your student finds herself in the castle of the Water daimyo and is a guest there, kept at that location for her own safety, for Kiri's rebellion has entered its final stage and will end soon," Akihito told him and saw Minato's eyes narrow.

"How do you know that?" he questioned as Akihito passed him a message.

"Because the water daimyo calls me a brother, and he wishes to bargain a peace with us. I wish to endorse an alliance between Kirigakure's new establishment and Konohagakure. Your student's safety, though, will be guaranteed even without your ascent to this alliance," Akihito told him.

An alliance was a complex matter and could not be decided single-headedly by either Kage or daimyo. Both had to be on the same page.

"An alliance with Kiri is rather ambitious," the man said, and Akihito could feel the earlier tension leave his shoulders as he was confirmed as the safety of his student.

"That would ally Konoha to two of the Great Five villages," Minato added, and Akihito nodded.

"Indeed, and it would make what I wish to achieve much easier," Akihito added and saw Minato's gaze turn towards him once more, the small apprehension in it gone now as he looked at him with curiosity and wonder.

"And what is it that you wish to achieve?" he questioned, and it had taken him much time to realize that.

"A better world," he said honestly.

And the future Hokage's eyes narrowed as Akihito looked him in the eye and began.

"The world we live in today, good or bad, is a world built around the vision and ambition of two...maybe three people if you wish to be generous," he began, and it was the truth.

"The hidden village system was envisioned and achieved through the actions of Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha, the later actions of Uchiha set aside, these two people and Tatsugawa-sama's father who allowed them to make their alliance resulted in the formation of the village, and the world shifted improved," Akihito stood up and motioned for Minato to follow him as they retired to the garden.

"Yet now we have had three Great Wars, thousands dead, and I feel that it is time that we change once more, become better, achieve more than our predecessors, not to tarnish what they have achieved but improve it, to build a better world for those who are to come after us," he finished and looked towards the future kage as they stood in his garden. The kage looked at him with a complex gaze as he opened his mouth.

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