1~ overwhelmed

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Hi! This is just the opening chapter so it is a quick one. Just getting out some basic details. Will be posting as frequently as I can. Enjoy! Xo. 

Seated at the long dining table, Ella found herself disinterested in her families dinner conversations.

Across from her sat her twin brothers, Alexander and Peter, engaged in their usual disputes about the courting season, their voices rising and falling in a relentless battle of opinions.

"You're utterly clueless, Alex," Peter exclaimed, his tone dripping with exasperation. "Romance requires intellect, not just empty flattery."  Alexander, unfazed by his brother's criticism, waved a dismissive hand. "Spare me the lecture, A charming smile and a few compliments are all you need to win a lady's heart. Besides, who needs all that fuss? Have some fun with it!" Peter rolled his eyes at his brothers oblivion, sinking back in his chair. 

Peter was the twin brother who was known for his respect, intelligence, and great determination. He was effortlessly perfect with his looks, charm, and intentions. He was the gold star of the family, and is admired by many in society. 

Alexander was the twin brother known for his comedic and clueless nature, living spontaneously and carefree. While he shares his twin's handsome appearance, he was the complete opposite entirely. He adds the lighthearted and chaotic element to the families dynamic. 

They could not have been more different Ella thought to herself. Even with the vast contrast between them, the twins did maintain a strong and close knit connection over the years.

Ella's attention drifted to her mother, who sat beside her, a whirlwind of excitement and chatter. She went on about trips to the modiste, the latest ball invitations, and the exquisite fabrics she planned to choose for Ella's new dresses.

"...and I simply cannot wait to see you in that lovely silk gown, my dear," her mother gushed, her brown eyes sparkling with anticipation. She placed her hand gently on Ella's cheek, a warm smile across her face. 

Ella nodded absentmindedly, her mind elsewhere as she struggled to keep pace with her mother's rapid-fire dialogue. In this moment, her mother was more excited for the social season than her. The overwhelming flood of information left her feeling dazed and disconnected, her thoughts consumed by the unknown of the courting season.

Meanwhile, her father sat at the head of the table, watching Alex and Peter continue to argue. Shoveling food in his mouth, pure disappointment crossed his face as he glared between the twins. He was clearly used to his son's constant bickering. 

The Dupont family moved into a tudor estate in London just a few weeks prior. Ella was adjusting to the new surroundings and preparing for the next chapter of her life. There was so much she wanted to explore.

At 21 years old on the brink of her first social season in London, she couldn't help the feelings of excitement and fear swirling inside of her. The thought of attending lavish balls, mingling with London's elite, and perhaps even finding love filled her with a sense of exhilaration. Yet, beneath her excitement lurked a nagging sense of uncertainty. 

With the Dupont family name, Ella held a great advantage. With the family legacy of wealth and prestige, her mother and father are highly known and respected across the English countryside. People would surely notice when they heard a Dupont was making her debut this season. 

As Ella fell asleep that night, her mind filled with endless questions and wonders. In just a few days the first ball would commence, and she'd attend alongside mother, father, and her twin brothers. 

The prospect of navigating the London society and making a name for herself was daunting. 

With the Bridgerton family entering yet another social season, everyone in the ton wondered which of Violet Bridgerton's children would be making their debut this year. No one had the answer for who it may be, and speculation surrounded the city streets. 

Ella thought about the potential suitors she would meet, and what they could offer her in a life together. She had the tendency to doubt herself, and wondered if anyone would meet the needs she had. Would she be enough? Is love in the cards for her? 

When Colin Bridgerton makes his return, she'll find that all her questions will be answered. 

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