Working Together

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"Say, have you seen the way, Boss has been actin'?"

The Ojamas were sitting on Chazz's desk across from the bunk bed, discussing their owner's oddly strange attitude.

"Now that you mention it.." Ojama Green replied. "It must be somethin' to do with that Maria gal. He really has been acting so strange. Feelin' like his heart skipped a beat." The green duel spirit's eye widened. "Ya know what 'dis means?"

"He needs to go to a doctor?" Asked Ojama Black, taking a wild guess.

Ojama Yellow was about to speak when he jumped upon hearing Chazz had already got himself ready. He lowered his voice in a whisper to his brothers. "Let's just continue this conversation later. Whatever happens, don't tell the boss..."

"Don't tell me what?"

The Ojama trio almost jumped at the sound of their boss' voice as he stood towering over them, raising a questioning eyebrow. Both Ojama Black and Green gave an 'Uh Oh' look to each other while Yellow tried to put together an answer. "Oh..uh..nothing, Boss. Nothing. Zip, zilch nada!"

"Whatever. I gotta go get Pitney out of bed. She better not be sleeping in."

With that, Chazz left his dorm room and headed downstairs to where Maria and Blair would be sleeping. Casually entering his former luxury apartment, he was no stranger to finding where the bedroom was. His eyes scanned the area, only to widen upon hearing a soft sleepy moaning sound, coming from behind a pair of green curtains. Approaching them, he pulled them back..his eyes widened at the sight of a sleeping Maria before him. Strands of caramel sprawled over the pillow, her face looked so serene and her chest was rising and falling with every breath during her slumber, all snug under the covers.

Chazz didn't know why but somehow, he had sworn, he was feeling something creeping inside of him. His face began to burn a deep red and his lips parted a little.

'Oh man..she just looks so cute when she's asleep...Argh! Get it together, Chazz! She's your tag partner and that's it!'

Getting back to reality, Chazz was about to try waking Maria but when he was going to do so, she stirred a little before her eyes began to open, revealing pools of sapphire. Rubbing the sleep away from them, her vision began to clear to greet the day ahead, but her orbs flew wide at the sight of her tag partner unexpectedly standing by her bed. She nearly jumped.

"How long have you been standing by my bed?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips and shooting a scrutinised glare.

"Just be thankful, I came to pick you up. I was just about to wake you up." Chazz snipped back. "You really must be a morning person."

"Who do you think I am, Jaden?!"

Chazz's bottom eyelid twitched a little at the little snippy assumption but maintained his composure. "Look, now is not the time to get snippy. We are partaking in this tag tournament around the academy which we means, as tag partners, we will have to work together for the duration of it."

Maria nodded in agreement, getting out of bed and moving her hair away from her face on her way to get washed and dressed. Chazz headed over to the living area to wait for her until she was finished. Thankfully, he didn't have to wait very long as she stepped in, all dressed up.

"Well, might as well get breakfast and class out of the way. We've a long day ahead of us. Hopefully we'll find someone to duel us." Chazz stood from the couch and headed for the door with Maria following closely behind.


"Time to teach~ Time for class~"

The students were all seated as Dr. Crowler was in good spirits for another day of teaching. The blonde male hoped deep inside that he will never fall for any pranks committed by the class clown. He began to take attendance for each and every one of his students, calling out their names.

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