
Jenny's gossips flowed as smoothly as the wine they were sipping. She talked about her friends, acquaintances, and the latest drama in her live.

Anne nodded along, not really knowing anyone but grinned anyway.

She had a beautiful dream, where a lovely mother read to her and her sister Lily a story from a fairytale book.

Does she truly have a sister?

Her dream felt so real, it was scary.

It was too soon to visit Doctor Rick and Anne didn't want to be tonight alone, a reason why she was at Jenny's apartment, having girls's night.

Talking about nothing and everything.

"And Sarah told him that she would never, ever be with him! Can you imagine? Jeremy would kill for her, but she treats him like dirt..."

Anne sighed, knowing Jeremy only through Jenny's stories. He seemed like a decent guy.

"I don't know why everyone wants Sarah," Jenny mused. "She's blonde and all, but the rest is just... blah."

"Maybe they like the 'blah' part." Anne shrugged, knowing Sarah through Jenny's stories too.

"Like she's a total bitch blah?" Jenny laughed after taking a sip of her wine. 

"Yeah," Anne nodded with a smile. "Some men like to be around... those types of women."

Jenny frowned. "I want to hug Jeremy... maybe I will..." She giggled. "I should kiss him better..."

Jenny's apartment was noticeably larger than Anne's, thanks to her parents' support. They were currently sitting on a cute beige sofa, the soft cushions providing comfort as they chatted.

The wood burning in the fireplace casted a warm glow over the sleek, minimalist decor.

Despite the stylish setup, Anne couldn't help but feel the space lacked a certain warmth. There were no plants to add a touch of life and color, making the place seem somewhat sad.

Her gaze wandered around the room and landed on the birthday vase she had given Jenny, prominently displayed next to the TV.

 When Jenny caught her looking, she chuckled and revealed that her friends admired the vase.

Anne raised an eyebrow, curious. "Really?"

"Yeah, they loved it." Jenny softly smiled, lost in her own world. "I would love to drawn just like you, Anne."

"There's a class tomorrow, you can come as my guest." Anne smiled at her. "And who knows, if you like it, you can sign too."

Jenny squealed. "That would be great! I would pain myself, like naked, but with biger boobs, like that chick from Titanic and -."

"Jenny," Anne cut her of. "You are really cute!" And took another sip of her wine, her laughter bubbling up as she teased her friend.

"I know, right?" Jenny giggled. 

"Yeah," Anne nodded. "Forget Sarah. You, Jenny," Anne giggled, "are a true bombshell!"

"Let's drink to that!" Jenny poured Anne and herself a new glass of wine. 

After compliments from both sides, Jenny went back to the subject of painting.

"I need to sign! If I will be as good as you, they will trown the money on me. Literally!" Jenny mused. "But really, didn't you think about drawning and selling?" Jenny asked Anne, sobering a little. "It could be nice even as a part time job."

"Well," Anne nodded, grinning. "I am thinking about it now."

Jenny's eyes sparkled with excitement. "You need your own social media accounts! Let's create them now!"

"What?" Anne started to laugh, looking at Jenny with wide eyes. "Aren't we little bit drunk for it?"

"Yeah," Jenny shrugged. "But that's the magic!"

And with that, they spent the evening creating Anne's website, social media accounts, and her artist's name.

"Just Anne," she nodded.

"Ooo," Jenny grinned. "Anne is it!" and created one of Anne's many profiles.

As Anne led Jenny tiredly into her drawing class, she couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. But when they entered the studio and Anne caught sight of the naked man posing in the center of the room, her eyes bugged out.

Jenny couldn't contain her amusement at Anne's reaction. "Ooo, he's quite the specimen, isn't he?" she teased, nudging Anne playfully. "I love this class already! Where can I sign?"

Anne shot her friend a mortified glance. "Jenny, please," she whispered. "Let's just sit down, okay?"

But Jenny couldn't resist the opportunity to tease her friend further and sat right in front of the model. "Oh, come on, Anne," she giggled, tupping the free chair next to her. "Just look at those abs!"

"I have something else right in front of me," Anne whispered to Jenny when she dat down, earning a smile from their model.

Anne blushed, and quickly averted her gaze, feeling more flustered by the second.

He was the first man she had ever seen without clothes.

Maybe she'd seen thousands of them before her memory loss, but who knows?

"I'm here to draw, Jenny," she told her, her voice barely above a whisper. "Not to... to ogle."

Jenny simply grinned in response, clearly enjoying Anne's discomfort. "Suit yourself," she replied. "But if I were you, I'd seize the opportunity while it lasts. Maybe I'll ask him out after class!"

Anne rolled her eyes, unable to suppress a small smile.

And with that, she started.

As they finished their session, Jenny couldn't help but gush over Anne's artwork. "Anne, these sketches are incredible!" she exclaimed, studying the intricate lines and shading. "It doesn't look like a porn at all! You're seriously gifted."

Anne smiled, feeling a surge of pride despite her earlier embarrassment. "Thanks, Jenny, I'm glad you think so."

But Jenny was already looking at the model, not hearing Anne's gratitute. When he winked at her, Jenny told Anne to wait for her, she will be right back.

"After our café, I am going to leave you," Jenny told her when they started to pack their things. "I have a date!"

"Good for you!" Anne nudged her. "But I had you reserved for all day," she told her with a sad puppy look.

"Well -"

"I am kidding," Anne grinned. "Go and change his world! I love your boldness, you know?" She softly smiled at her. "You, Jenny, are my hero!"

"Stop it," it was Jenny's turn to blush, as she did. "He smiled at you too."

"He smiled at us," Anne rolled her eyes. "He isn't even my type, so -"

"What?" Jenny screamed, attracted the attention of everyone, who was still in the room.

"Jenny!" Anne took her arm, not letting her go. "I go here."

"I know," Jenny whispered as they leaved the building and went to their favourite café.

After they placed their orders, Jenny smirked, clearly in the good mood. "So... if the blonde God isn't your type," she began, her tone playful as she leaned in closer to Anne. "Who is?" 

"Jenny," Anne sighed. "I don't know. Let it rest in peace."

"What?" She asked, frowning. "I won't and everybody has a type!"

"I don't have a type," Anne shrugged casually.

"I know, I heard you," Jenny grinned, looking at her with a wide eyes. "But there has to be something! Be a friend and tell me!"

"I like good guys," Anne stated after a sip of her latte. "That's all."

For some reason, Anne couldn't shake the image of Peter from her mind. He seemed flawless in that 'kind type' way.

Jenny rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed by the vague response. She leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms with a huff. "Really? Good guys? I am dissapointed in you, lady. I am really -"

"Confident," Anne nodded, her mind drifting to her ideal man, as she gazed out the window. "Someone intelligent, kind and protective."

Jenny's eyes widened with interest. "Go on."

"He'd see me as the most beautiful and important person in the room. He'd be tough on anyone who would tries to hurt me, but always gentle with me. And he'd love his family deeply."

Yeah and her imaginary siblings too.

Jenny nodded for Anne to continue, clearly enjoying her description of the perfect man.

"Well, he could be a little bit possessive and dominant too. Nothing unhealthy, but like 'She is mine, find someone else, hush!'"Anne grinned.

Peter had everything she wanted, but he wouldn't harm a fly.

It was scarely disappointing.

"What about appearance?" Jenny asked, intriqued.

"It's not important," Anne took a bite of her pie. "It would be nice, if he was attractive, but the most important is if he loves me."

"Blonde God could have it all." Jenny pointed out. "And you refused even to consider him as an option."

"Well," Anne frowned. "I guess you are right, but the perfect man would ask me, not just smile. Anyway, I don't think that my perfect man exist."

"He does," Jenny, eternal optimist told her. "But you just didn't find him yet. I believe that everyone has its own soulmate."

"Well, my soulmate surely won't find me. If I am not with you, in the class or in the shelter, I am just working or being at home."

"Don't be such a pessimist. Our diner is one of the best in the city. It's a pool for single men."

"Because every single man wants to date me," Anne rolled her eyes.

"I would date you," Jenny smirked. "But I'm not into women, babe."

"You are too blonde," Anne grinned. "I wouldn't date you anyway."

"Hmm, so you have a type!" Jenny remarked with a knowing nod. "Blonde guys are out of the question, then. You're looking for someone with darker hair, right? Of course you do! You described the typical Alpha man. They're never blonde."

"Oh my God, Jenny, stop!" Anne bursted into laughter. "It was just a joke!"

With a mischievous grin, Jenny added, "You forgot wealthy and skilled in the bedroom."

Anne closed her eyes. "No!" But grinned anyway. "I just want someone kind."

"Yeah," Jenny smiled. "Whatever makes you sleep better."

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