The Spider-Verse: Part 1

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Earth 325
Neo Domino City Museum of Natural History

Doctor Strange restrained Baron Mordo with his Eldritch Whips before Aaron Flynn, wearing his Spider-Man suit, delivered a kick to his face, knocking him down!

"You do remember that museum souvenirs are in the gift shop, right?" Aaron questioned rhetorically before he picked up a stone tablet with green markings on it, then handed it to Strange.

"The Tablet of Order and Chaos," The sorcerer stated. "I agree that this doesn't belong in a museum, it also shouldn't be in the hands of someone like you, Mordo."

"You'll pay for this!!" Mordo shouted. "How dare you disrupt the natural order?!"

"Nothing apocalyptic has been happening for a long time, dude!" Aaron refuted. "You're just blowing smoke."

"You could never understand, Spider-Man," Mordo said. "You thrive on chaos."

"No, that's Deadpool...most of the time," Aaron retorted. " I'm not even gonna give my opinion, cause I know you won't care. Guys like you never learn."

Mordo used his Vaulting Boots of Valtorr to maneuver in the air, created a few illusion copies of himself, then used his Staff of the Living Tribunal to grab the Tablet, and throw Aaron and Strange across the room! Aaron recovered and sling-shot himself at the rogue sorcerer, who'd just gotten the Tablet in his grasp. Aaron performed a split kick when he reached him, kicking Mordo in the cheek and knocking the Tablet out of his least that was his intent...

He accidently put more force into his kick than intended and ended up breaking the Tablet, releasing a large glowing-green wave that blew them all away! Not only that, but the wave was so huge, it could be seen from all over the city! Thankfully, it didn't damage or kill anything it went over.

Aaron recovered first, holding his head, "I'm guessing that was bad?"

"Most likely," Strange responded, groaning a bit.

Just as Mordo was about to rant, Aaron webbed his mouth shut,
"Shut it up! I don't need a lecture from a rigid, self-righteous hypocrite like you."

He even tied him up with webs, and for good measure, took his relics.

" what?"

Earth 199

"I knew you two would make a beautiful baby," Ned commented as took some pics of Anya with his phone.

Anya giggled as she held her stuffed dog, which caused Ned to laugh with her.

"And she's adorable to boot!" he added.

"That's our girl," MJ said as she gently stroked Anya's head, then kissed her little cheeks several times.

Peter was putting dishes in the dishwasher when he heard a piercing ringing sound in his ears, and even felt it in his brain! It even caused him to drop a glass!
And MJ felt the same thing! Both of them cringed and screamed in pain a bit!

"Whoa! Guys, what's wrong?!" Ned asked in worry.

Surprised by the screaming, Anya started crying, prompting MJ to pick her up and sooth her.

"That was...I don't even know..." Peter muttered. "I just heard some kind of piercing shrill and I think it affected my Spider-Sense..."

"That's weird, cause I didn't hear anything" Ned stated, then turned to MJ. "Did you hear it?"

"Yeah, same as Peter described," she answered, then went back to soothing her baby. "Shh, it's okay baby girl. Mommy and daddy didn't mean to scare you."

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