The Spider-Verse: Part 2

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Earth 199

Peter, or...Peter Y (Since he was younger than their Peter) eventually calmed down from the group hug, which he definitely needed.

"Peter, what happened to you?" May asked him, but he couldn't even begin to form an answer.

"Hang on, let's get OUR Peter here first," Ned interjected, then got out his Sling Ring from his pocket and made a portal. Said portal revealed an alleyway and everyone saw another Spider-Man, but...not the one they knew.

He was taller, and his suit looked like Aaron's second suit; with the large spider logo with longer legs, and larger but friendly looking eyes.

"Wow, this is real déjà vu," He stated. "Hey, Peter 1, MJ, Ned!"

"Uh, who are you?" MJ asked.

"What?" He took off his mask, revealing a man with shaggy, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. "Guys, it's me! Peter 3!"

"You're Peter Parker?!" Ned questioned.

Peter 3 glanced at May, "Wait, are you...Aunt May?"


"Wow, you're a lot younger than mine. No offence."

"None taken."

"But when I met Peter 1, you were dead, so...oh! This must be another dimension that's like that one, but different." Peter 3 started muttering to himself. "That's why this Ned and MJ don't recognize me."

"Hey!" MJ interrupted his muttering. "Prove that you're Peter Parker."

Peter 3 would've objected, but if this MJ was as cautious as the one he met; then he had to prove it. So, he jumped and stuck his hand to the ceiling.

"...Any Spider-Man can do that," MJ deadpanned. She grabbed an apple to throw at him, but he held up his hand to stop her.

"I do have the tingle, just not for food."

"Okay, uh..." MJ tried to think of something else to test him. "What's your middle name, who were your parents, and who picked on you in school?"

Peter 3 listed them by counting with his fingers, "Benjamin, Richard and Mary Parker, and Eugene "Flash" Thompson."

"...Okay, that tracks," MJ replied.

Ned created another portal, which revealed a rooftop, and a man in his forties stepped through. He had short brown hair, blue eyes, and some noticeable ears.

"Now it's just some random guy," Ned lamented.

"You said that last time..." The man started to say before he trailed off. "Wait a minute; this is different from before..."

"This a different Earth than the one we went to," Peter 3 stated. "Although, this Earth has the same Peter, MJ and Ned, just different. Oh, and Aunt May is still alive!"

"You're Peter?" May asked.


"Hey...guys," Peter Y called to the other Peters.

"Peter 1?" Peter 2 questioned with obvious concern.

"Dude, what happened to you?" Peter 3 asked.

"Where do I even begin?" asked Peter Y. "I'd been exposed as Spider-Man and made a pariah in my world, first of all..."

He explained everything – every single last detail. He made sure to not skimp on anything. He didn't exaggerate, didn't downplay. All throughout it, everyone was quiet and unmoving in their expressions as they took it all in. But once he was finished, everyone had different looks. Peter 2 and Peter 3 had looks of sympathy, but also some disappointment. May's was a mix of heartache, and extreme disappointment. Heartache that this version of her nephew went through all that and now he was all alone, and disappointment over pretty much every decision he made. Especially breaking his promise.

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