Prison Break

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Getting this out for Zendaya's birthday! She turns 28 today!

Things go from bad, to good, to worse in this chapter...

I own nothing from Spider-Man, Marvel, or any of the images used


Betty Brant was currently at Grand Central Terminal, following a lead that Charles Standish had told her. Oscorp was holding some kind display on their newest inventions. A lot of the stuff was really cool, but Ned, MJ and Peter would understand it better than her.

Betty looked at some kind of new microbe dispersal device, when she heard someone came in behind her. She turned and...came face-to-face with Martin Li!

"Mr. Li..."

"This will be easier for everyone if you remain calm, and do as I say," Li told her, then his eyes changed to white on black!

Betty gasped before she noticed some police officers nearby.

"Police, over here!" she cried.

One of the officers approached, but Li held Betty back. A couple Demons appeared and knocked the officer out! One of them took the dispersal device, while the other took Betty!

Li shouted to his men and they started to block all the exits. More Demons came in, with guns, knocked out the other officers and gathered all the people into a single spot.

Li got out his phone, "I would like to speak to Mayor Osborn."

"Who's calling?" The woman on the other end asked.

"The man he is looking for..."

That got Norman on the phone, "What do you want?"

"I want you at Grand Central Terminal in thirty minutes," Li told him. "By yourself. Or there will be even more blood on your hands."

Soon, everyone was sitting down, frightened as the Demons forced them into one area. Li crushed the phone, then put the Devil's Breath in the disperser.

Betty got out her phone and texted Peter,
"Party at GCT. Wear your best suit."

She tried to stay calm while everyone else were doing their best not to panic.

"Betty, I'm on my way!" Peter's voice came through. "Are you hurt?"

"No, just hurry," she whispered.

"Going as fast as I can. What are you doing at GCT?"

"I'll explain later. Listen-- Li's going to release the Devil's Breath. But he's not going to do it until Norman Osborn gets here."

"This must've been Li's plan all along," Peter realized. "Make Norman responsible by forcing him to release the Devil's Breath himself."

"Sort of makes sense-- in a twisted, psychotic way," Betty said.

"Okay, I'm here," Peter said. "Anything I should be on the lookout for?"

As he said this, Betty spotted one of the Demons releasing a few drones.

"Looks like he's got some drones patrolling; guess he's prepared for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01 ⏰

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