Chapter 8

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Conner POV

As I sat at the table, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of anxiety and excitement. When she walked in, my heart skipped a beat. She looked radiant, her pregnancy glow unmistakable. Lady Isabella sat beside me, her expression unreadable as always. The king and queen, seated at the head of the table, exuded their usual regal presence, commanding respect from everyone in the room.

"Good evening," she greeted them, her voice steady and composed despite the turmoil I knew she must be feeling.

"Good evening," the queen replied warmly. "Please, join us."

She and Becca took their seats, and the meal began. The usual clinking of silverware and polite conversation filled the room, but I could feel the tension building within me. I knew that the moment to share our news was approaching, and I wasn't sure how everyone would react. I glanced at her for support, and she gave me a reassuring nod.

Finally, I cleared my throat, drawing everyone's attention. "We have some news to share," I began, my voice steady but filled with underlying tension. "We found out today that we are expecting twins."

My mother and father exchanged looks of sheer excitement. My mother said, "Wonderful! My grandmother was a twin!" Eve looked at me with shocked eyes and exclaimed, "You told me you didn't have any twins in your family!"

"I didn't know," I replied, and we all burst into laughter, except for Lady Isabella, who remained serious, not joining in our mirth.

"Have fun with your little devil babies," she said dryly.

I snapped back in anger, "Can you be nice for once in your goddamn life?"

"Excuse me? You can't talk to me like that," she retorted, her voice cold and stern.

"Yes, I can. I don't care that your family is royalty—so is mine. At least I can treat people with respect," I shot back.

Lady Isabella stayed silent for the rest of the night, her face a mask of irritation and disdain.

Turning back to Eve, I asked, "Well, have you thought of names for them yet?"

"Well, no, not really. I'm still processing the information about having two babies," she admitted, her voice tinged with a mix of awe and uncertainty.

We all laughed again, the room filling with a warm, familial atmosphere. "What about if I throw you a baby shower?" I suggested, eager to share in the joy of the occasion.

"Oh, that would be too much, Your Majesty," Eve replied, a touch of formal respect in her voice.

"Nonsense! Call me Joy. I've known you since you were a baby yourself. Now you're having my grandchildren," my mother said, her eyes twinkling with affection.

Eve blushed, the color rising to her cheeks as she nodded. "Thank you, Joy. That means a lot."

The room buzzed with excitement and anticipation for the new additions to our family, the earlier tension with Lady Isabella fading into the background as we focused on the future and the joy it promised.

Lady Isabella stormed out of the room in a fit of anger, her footsteps echoing down the hallway. I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her, even though her outburst was completely uncalled for. It's tough to see someone you care about struggle with their emotions, especially when you know they are capable of so much more.

Now, with her gone, the room felt quieter, the tension slowly dissipating. I turned back to them, offering a small, reassuring smile. "Don't take it personally," I said gently. "She's been under a lot of stress lately, but that doesn't excuse her behavior. Are you okay?"

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