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*Brayden's POV*

I remain sitting on the rock Aurelia showed me thinking. Until, my phone buzzed from a text message I received.

I pull my phone out from my pocket and see a text from Lexa, a girl I would get with on occasions.

From Lexa:

Hey, parents aren't home for a few hours, wanna come over? ;)

My grip around my phone grows more intense and I feel anger boiling up inside me.

Whenever I almost seem like I might start to be getting things back on track, I fail.

Not this time.

I took a big step forward and blocked her number. I know I was going to be questioned by her at school, but I didn't care. I wanted a better life for myself, I wanted to be a better guy for her.


*Aurelia's POV*

I get back home and throw my book bag on the floor as soon as I step foot in my house.

I sigh and head to the kitchen in search of a snack.

"Where were you?" Hayden asks from the stool at the island.

"With a friend." I say opening the fridge.

"Who? Mitch?" She asks again.

"No, Brayden." I say turning to her.

She laughs and starts typing on her phone, probably texting her stupid friends about something irrelevant.

"What did you guys do?" Hayden continues asking random questions.

"Went to Starbucks and chatted. What the hell is this interrogation for?" I say as my voice inevitably gets louder.

"Oh, no reason." She smirks and runs upstairs.

She's so annoying.

I roll my eyes and grab my phone. I plop down on the couch and scroll through Twitter and Instagram.

The thought of filming a YouTube video pops into my mind, but that's quickly replaced by the thought of watching my subscriptions.

Mitch uploaded one of his Minecraft videos, so I decided to watch it. The title was something about this thing called the Cube SMP.

I start watching and was fairly entertained by it. Halfway through the video, another voice is present and it's a voice I just heard not too long ago.

Brayden plays Minecraft?

I watched a couple minutes of the video and then went to the description where a link for 'TheCampingRusher' was. I clicked on it and it took me to what I assumed was Brayden's YouTube channel.

I scrolled through the countless videos and saw he had around 50 to 90 thousand views per video.

I was shocked at the big numbers and watched a few of his videos before my eyes grew heavy and closed, leaving me asleep and unconscious.


I awoke to a pattering sound on my window, abruptly waking me up.

I check the time on my phone and I see that it's surprisingly 1 AM.

The dinging sound continued and I leaned over my bedside table and pushed the curtains out of the way to reveal Mitch on the ground, throwing pebbles at my window.

I groan and open the window.

"Why the hell are you here?" I whisper shout, knowing my parents can hear anything even though they're down the hall.

"It's Brayden, I can't find him. Please come down!" Mitch shouts back.

I let out an annoyed groan and put on slipper boots that I got for my birthday last year. I also throw on a leather jacket that I bought when I got here.

I push aside my bedside table and swing my legs over the side of the window ledge.

"What the fuck are you doing?! There's no way you're jumping." Mitch says full of shock.

"It's no big deal, I used to do it all the time." And with that I pushed myself out the window and I was on the ground in seconds.

"Badass Aurelia." Mitch smirks.

"Let's go." I say pushing Mitch along.


"How can't you find him? Like, why did you need him at 1 AM?" I ask as Mitch drives slowly through my neighborhood.

"We were going to reco-" Mitch cuts himself off before continuing.

"If it's something about YouTube, I know he has a channel." I say looking out the window, wishing I was still in my warm, cozy bed.

"Okay, we were going to record a video and he wasn't on teamspeak and he wasn't responding to texts or calls and he's always on teamspeak at that time. That's our usual recording time." He explains as he takes a right.

My mind thinks of any possible place he could be, but how was I supposed to know? I barely know the guy.

I knew it was a long shot, buy maybe he stayed at my special rock a little later than expected.

The light bulb goes off in my head and I start directing Mitch on where to drive next.

hey pals so I will be on vacation very soon and won't be able to write, but when I get back I'll update ASAP :)

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