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*Aurelia's POV*

The next morning after Brayden and I woke up, we both got ready and I purposefully took my time a lot more than I normally would have.

"Hey, we should leave in 10 minutes in order to be at his house by 10." Brayden states from outside the bathroom door.

"Okay." I say just barley loud enough for him to hear. I look at myself in the mirror, contemplating what I'd say to him, how I'd explain myself.

What if he hates me? What if me coming here unexpected pisses him off even more?

I groan to myself and cover my face with my hands.

"I'm a fucking idiot." I mumble.

A pounding knock on the door makes me jump and I jolt upwards.

I open the door and playfully slap his chest.

"Dick." I smirk.

"At least I'm nicer than I was before...?" He says it like a question.

"I guess." I giggle.

We are out the door within 5 minutes and get our Uber to Ricky's house. The drive there was antagonizing, and I could feel my heart burning in my chest.

As his apartment complex comes into view, I shudder.

We pull into the parking lot and Brayden and I get out and thank the driver.

As soon as we enter the building, I turn around and Brayden bumps into me so that my body is directly up against his.

His arm touches at my side and I feel nerves in my body react. I step back and stutter before talking.

"You should stay down here. I don't know how he'll react and it's kinda a private thing." I blush.

He nods. "Of course, I'll be here." 

I fake a smile quickly and rush to the elevator and hit the number 5.

As I reach the floor, walking down the hallway seemed like I was walking right into a mess.

But I had to explain myself.

I get to the door that reads '2235' and I ring the doorbell.

I hear footsteps come closer and I can literally feel my heart beating in my chest. I hear the pumping in my ears and it takes over my hearing when-


I bring my eyes up to meet his face, looking slightly tanned and freckles prominent.

Before I responded, he pulled me inside the apartment and slammed the door.

He pinned me up against the door and immediately presses himself to me.

He gave me a long, slow, deep kiss. He cupped my face in his hands as confusion filled every part of me.

But I didn't stop anything, I wanted this. I wanted him.

His deep long kiss traveled down my neck and turned into sweet and short kisses.

He kissed my bottom lip, then the top, and then pulled me closer to him.

His hands wandered my back, lowering down to my butt.

My whole body heated up and even though I was utterly astonished and confused, I didn't stop.

I yanked at his shirt and pulled it over his head, he continued to do so with me.

He picked me up and set me down on my bed, before he put his body on top of mine.

His lips went down to my hips, and back up to my neck.

He slid his hands behind my back, unhooking my bra, but I sat up with my arm up before he removed it from me.


The confusion on his face was the same as mine when he pulled me to him.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He said his face just inches away from me.

"I can't do this, we need to talk." I mutter.

He get off of me and sits up. I clip my bra back on.

He scoots closer to me and slips his hand in mine.

"What do you want to talk about?"

I pause.

"I called you the other day, by mistake."

He nods. "I know. I answered and it just sounded like shuffling so I assumed you butt dialed me so I hung up."

A weight lifted off my chest as I took a deep breath.

Now I could tell him my own way.

"I meant to call you back, but I fell asleep and forgot." I say smacking my head.

"It's fine." He smiles, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"No, it's not." I say slowly pushing his hand down.

"I kissed someone else." I blurt out.

His once loving hands drifted away from mine.

"What do you mean?"

"On that phone call, when I butt dialed you, I kissed Brayden." I pause. "I came here to explain and apologize."

I avoid eye contact even though I feel the 1000 pounds of weight from his eyes.

"But despite this you still almost let us have sex?" He spits out.

"I love you." I say desperately.

"If you loved me you wouldn't do things with other guys."

"I wasn't, I just- Brayden and I have always had a complicated friendship..."

"So that means even though you have a boyfriend in another state you can just kiss another guy when you don't understand your feelings?" He says a little louder this time as he stands up.

"Ricky, please. I care about you too much to lose you."

He shakes his head. "You don't think I've ever been conflicted with my feelings toward other girls when you weren't around? Because I have been. But when I remember your beautiful face and loving eyes, nothing and no one else mattered. I only had eyes for you."

Tears pool in my eyes as I can already see him telling me he wants nothing to do with me.

He walks closer to me and cups my face in between his hands.

He kisses me one last time, the last thing I was expecting.

He pulled away first, and looked into my eyes.

"I love you." He starts. "That's why I'm letting you go. You don't deserve to be tied down to some guy in Florida when you obviously need to experience other things."

I blink as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"But I will be here. Whether it's two months from now or two years, I'm here."

I kept my eyes closed because I couldn't bare to look into his eyes one last time before I saw him again, whenever that may be.

I feel his lips against my forehead, and then his grasp is released from my face, and I hear him walk away.

I open my eyes to see he's facing the window of his apartment.

I grab my shirt and slip it back on, realizing I was just standing there with no shirt on.

I head for the door and turn back before leaving.

"Goodbye, Ricky."


I Tried // TheCampingRusher FF [complete]Where stories live. Discover now