A Lot of Mess

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I should have ended it, but I didn't. I should have realized she was being truthful. It was at the Hawthornes' residence when the phone rang. My father. "My dad's calling."

"What does he want?" Rebecca inquired.

"I have no idea," I replied before excusing myself from the room. Answering the call, I said, "Dad?"

"I've been told you're seeing a Hawthorne!" He shouted.

"What? Where did you hear that?"

"Someone sent a picture of you kissing him to your grandfather, claiming you're in a relationship! Your grandfather forwarded it to me. Get home now."

I felt suffocated; I needed air. "I'll be home soon, I promise it's not what it seems." I stumbled outside and ended the call. Before I could even catch my breath, another person approached.
"I heard you and Grayson are breaking up," Jameson accused, his voice dripping with disdain.

 "And where did you hear that nonsense?"

A smirk played on Jameson's lips. "Or perhaps it's untrue? I know how deeply in love you two are. Hopelessly so. You don't even entertain the thought of being with anyone else. Even though you went on a date with me first, you clearly prefer him."

"Jameson Hawthorne, you couldn't be more wrong," She snapped, her voice rising with indignation as she stepped closer to him.

Their faces were inches apart, tension crackling in the air between them. "So, you didn't date him?" Jameson's tone was mocking.

"Why don't you just ask Emily?" I shot back,

"Don't drag Emily into this!"

"Why not? She's partially responsible for this mess!"
"Fine, you want to know the truth?" She snapped, her frustration boiling over.  "We were lying!" She exclaimed, her words cutting through the air like a knife. "We pretended to be dating to make you and Emily jealous."
Jameson's eyes narrowed, disbelief etched across his face. "You were faking it?" His voice was filled with anger and hurt.

"I'm sorry, Jameson. I never meant for things to spiral out of control like this, I knew you didn't like me after I saw you kiss Emily and I guess I wanted to show myself that you really didn't like me!"

He stared at her for a minute before closing the distance between them.

As Jameson's lips crashed into hers, there was no gentleness, no tenderness—only raw, primal energy fueled by anger and frustration.  Her hands tangled in Jameson's hair, pulling him closer as she poured all of her anger and frustration into the kiss, seeking solace in the intensity of their connection. Each touch was electric, sending sparks of fire coursing through her veins as she surrendered to the heat of the moment.

But even as our lips moved with desperate urgency, there was an undercurrent of turmoil, a sense of guilt and remorse that threatened to engulf us both. We knew that what they were doing was wrong, that the anger-fueled kiss was only adding fuel to the fire of our already complicated relationship.

As we finally pulled away, our chests were heaving with exertion, a heavy silence descended upon us, punctuated only by the sound of ragged breathing. For a moment, we simply stared at each other, our eyes ablaze with a mixture of desire and regret, we both knew that we had crossed a line from which there was no turning back.

"Julia?" I spun around to see Xander standing with Tobias Hawthorne.

"Xander, Mr. Hawthorne. I was just leaving me father-"

"Your father is outside that's why I'm her how about you follow me." 

I turned back to Jameson I didn't know when I'd see him again if I even wanted to see him again. "Julia I-"

"Jameson talk to Grayson ok? I have to go my father hates to be left waiting. I just want to say I'm sorry." I took in one last glance at his beautiful green eyes before managing a smile at Xander and rushing after Mr. Hawthorne.

"I heard you were dating Grayson." Mr. Hawthorne said.

"I'm sorry sir it's a really big mess we weren't actually dating I feel bad about the whole thing it was a terrible idea." 

He nodded before opening the front door for me, I could see my grandfathers car from here. "I know your grandfather well, just know you are always welcome here."

"Thank you sir but whatever they have planned it is probably for the best." I had no idea what they had planned and I don't think Mr. Hawthorne believed a word I said but there was no time to question it as my grandfather joined us. 

"Ah Tobias it's been a while, I hate to leave so suddenly but we have places to be." My grandfather grabbed my arm and pulled me to the car. I opened the door and sat inside as he had some conversation with Mr. Hawthorne.

After a while he joined my father and I in the car both were very quiet until we left the property. "What have we told you about Hawthornes?"

"They're bad news," I said.

"And yet you kissed one!" 

"I'm sorry it was a mistake I didn't mean for it to happen."

"It doesn't matter you need to be re-educated we are sending you away for school."

No, no, no this couldn't be happening. "I won't talk to them please don't do this." 

"It's too late, you already did too much. Give me your phone." I didn't want to but by the look in his eyes I didn't have much choice so I handed it to him. I watched him throw it out the window. No. "You will have no content with anyone from this tainted town, do you understand me?"

In between holding in tears I some how managed to say "yes sir."

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