Ethan's World

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I sat at the edge of my king-sized bed, staring out at the floor-to-ceiling windows of my penthouse apartment. The city sprawled below, a glimmering tapestry of lights and movement that seemed almost unreal from this height. This view usually brought me solace, a reminder of the vast world beyond the confines of my family’s expectations. Yet tonight, the usual comfort eluded me, replaced by a familiar weight pressing down on my chest.

I glanced at my phone. Nearly midnight. An early morning meeting with my father, Marcus Hawthorne, awaited me. My father, the patriarch of the Hawthorne family, was the driving force behind our vast business empire. The Hawthorne Group was synonymous with luxury and opulence, owning a chain of upscale malls that catered to the elite. From exclusive boutiques to gourmet dining, the Hawthorne Malls were destinations in themselves.

Growing up, I lived in the shadow of this empire, my life meticulously planned to ensure I would one day take the helm. But as my thirtieth birthday approached, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was living someone else’s dream.

I stood up, stretching my arms above my head, and walked over to the windows. The city looked peaceful from up here, the chaos muted by distance. My thoughts drifted to tomorrow’s meeting. My father had hinted at a big announcement, and I suspected it involved me taking on more responsibilities within the company. The idea filled me with a mix of dread and resignation. I loved my family and appreciated the opportunities my privileged upbringing had afforded me, but I craved something different. Something I could call my own.

A soft chime interrupted my thoughts. I walked over to the bedside table and picked up my phone. A message from Alex, my best friend and confidant, lit up the screen.

"Hey, how’s it going? Up for a late-night drink?"

I smiled. Alex always seemed to know when I needed a distraction. I typed back a quick reply.

"Sure, meet you at our usual spot in 20."

I grabbed my jacket and headed out, welcoming the chance to clear my head. The elevator ride down to the lobby was swift, and soon I was stepping out into the cool night air. The city was alive, its energy palpable even at this hour. I hailed a cab and gave the driver the address of our favorite bar.

As we drove through the bustling streets, I let my mind wander. Despite my family’s wealth and influence, I’d always felt a bit like an outsider in the world they inhabited. My parents had meticulously groomed me to take over the family business, but my passions lay elsewhere. I wanted to create something of my own, to build something from the ground up rather than inherit it.

The cab pulled up in front of the bar, and I paid the driver before stepping out. The familiar hum of conversation and clinking glasses greeted me as I walked in. Alex was already there, seated at our usual corner table. He waved me over, a grin spreading across his face.

“Hey, man,” Alex said as I slid into the seat across from him. “Rough night?”

“Something like that,” I replied, signaling the waiter for a drink. “Big meeting with my father tomorrow. He’s got some big announcement, and I have a feeling it’s going to mean more responsibilities for me.”

Alex raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that what you’ve been preparing for your whole life?”

“Yeah, but I’m not sure it’s what I want,” I admitted. “I mean, I appreciate everything my family has done for me, but I want to make my own mark on the world. I want to build something from scratch, not just take over what someone else started.”

Alex nodded, his expression thoughtful. “I get that. But maybe you can find a way to do both. Use your position to create something new within the family business. Or even leverage the connections and resources you have to start something completely separate.”

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