Chapter 1-10

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Chapter 1 Postpartum

Ye Min hasn't been sleeping well since giving birth.

First, because her body did not recover so quickly after giving birth, she always felt a dull pain. Second, she always had to stay up late at night to breastfeed, and her sleep was intermittent.

Liang Juan, who also didn't sleep well, helped go to the hospital to take care of her. Liang Juan was her neighbor who came to the army with the army and lived in the family home. This time she gave birth, and it was mainly her neighbor who helped take care of her.

Liang Juan went to the hospital to take care of Ye Min not only because of the friendship between neighbors, but also because it was a task assigned to her by the organization.

After the start of the Great Movement, life styles have been continuously tightened, and hiring a nanny can easily be labeled as a petty bourgeoisie style.

Although giving birth to a baby is a big deal, there is really no one to help, so hiring a nanny to take care of the baby during the confinement period is not a big deal.

However, the military wives in the compound basically gave birth to their babies at home and only sent them to the hospital for difficult labor. Ye Min had planned to be admitted to the hospital early so that she could go to the field and go home after giving birth. She was not a low-key person.

If we hire a nanny to take care of her until confinement, even if there are extenuating circumstances, someone will inevitably complain.

Ye Min's biological mother died early, and her stepmother looked sweet but felt bitter. When she was pregnant with her eldest son, her stepmother assured her father that she would be taken care of properly when she gave birth.

As a result, she could not see her stepmother at all after the birth. A neighbor sent her to the hospital, and it was Meng Cheng's cousin Meng Xiaolan who went to the hospital to take care of her after giving birth.

Therefore, before joining the army, she ignored her stepmother and directly sold her job to Meng Xiaolan, who was about to go to the countryside after graduating from junior high school. Her stepmother was very shameless. After receiving the news, she had the nerve to tell people that she had no conscience. She was so angry that she went back to talk to her before leaving. There was a big fight, and the relationship hit rock bottom.

In this case, there is no need to count on the mother's family.

It's hard to say about her husband's family. Meng Cheng's parents died when he was young, and he grew up with his uncle and aunt. His uncle and aunt were not bad to him, but they were not very considerate, otherwise she would not have been able to arrange for a teenage girl to take care of him during the confinement period.

She would probably be willing to ask Meng Xiaolan for help, but she was still an apprentice and needed to earn performance, so it was hard to take two or three months off to take care of Ye Min's confinement.

So as soon as she found out she was pregnant, Ye Min made an agreement with Meng Cheng to let him save this year's annual leave and take it when she gives birth.

Meng Cheng is a soldier and gets one month of annual leave every year. Although he is often unable to take this monthly leave because of his busy work. But this year, the situation was special. As soon as he mentioned it to his boss, he was approved. He only had to wait for the delivery date to formally apply.

In fact, letting a man take care of the confinement is not much more low-key than hiring a nanny.

After all, at this time, the idea of ​​​​men being outsiders and women being inside is the mainstream. There are so many men in the army compound who don't even help them when the oil bottles fall down. How about asking them to take care of their confinement? They would rather work overtime in the military camp.

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