Chapter 41-50

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Chapter 41 He family

Zhai Mingqiu was indeed stopped by the leaders of the department that day.

But what really stopped him was not the reminder about his future, but the director of the department saying: "If you go over now, you may be able to stop the quarrel, but at the same time it also confirms the authenticity of Xiao Liu's words. You and Comrade Xiao Feng She will inevitably fall into the whirlpool of public opinion. "

"If you have thoughts about Xiao Feng, that's great. You can go and stand up for her, settle the relationship before the year, and come to talk about the marriage after the year, it will be a good story."

"But! If you only regard Xiao Feng as an ordinary colleague, or you are not firm enough in your heart, I do not agree with you standing up for her in the past. You are a man, and a romantic relationship will have no impact, but she is a lesbian, and the world is always more harsh on women. Otherwise, why would Xiao Liu say those words? Because she knows that those words can attack Comrade Xiao Feng. "

Yes, Comrade Xiao Feng has a strong character and is not afraid of people's words, but she doesn't care. You can guarantee that her future husband will not care about this ." "Rumors, are you sure that these things will not affect her future marriage?"

"If you can't guarantee it, then don't come forward. It will be better for you and her."

Zhai Mingqiu cannot guarantee it.

Although Feng Aiyun's passionate pursuit left a deep impression on him, it was far from the level of liking her, and he didn't want to get married, so he avoided her.

Since there will be no results between them, how can he guarantee that these things will not affect her future?

In the end, Zhai Mingqiu did not take this step.

He didn't sleep well that night, and during lunch the next day, he couldn't help but look at the cafeteria door. But he didn't see that person appear until he finished eating.

"That person" will be at Ye Min's house now.

She is a decisive person. Although she may not be able to take back what she has given, it is not difficult to change her actions.

The first change she made was not to go to the hospital cafeteria to get food.

There are many canteens in the garrison, including division headquarters, regiment headquarters, and each battalion and company. However, ordinary people cannot go to the army canteen.

They used to be able to go to the division headquarters canteen to eat because the health clinic was located at the division headquarters. Now they have collectively moved to the military hospital and there is a canteen in the hospital. Naturally, they can no longer go to the military canteen for food.

I don't want to go to the hospital cafeteria, so the only thing left is the military family hospital cafeteria.

The tickets collected by the family home and the hospital canteen are the same and can be used interchangeably. However, there are people standing guard at the gate of the family home, and non-residents of the compound cannot enter, so there are still restrictions on the number of people.

But Feng Aiyun has been living in her uncle's house since she joined the army, and she hasn't moved out yet. There are no barriers to entry and exit, so she can eat in any canteen she wants.

Coincidentally, Feng Aiyun met Ye Min and Qian Xiaoyun as soon as he entered the cafeteria of the family courtyard.

Because it was her first time to go back to the cafeteria to eat at noon on a working day, Ye Min asked more questions. Feng Aiyun didn't tell the truth and shrugged and said, "I'm tired of eating in the hospital cafeteria. Come here for a change."

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