CH 3. Cologne

16 1 23

" oh baby, just leave the scent of your cologne"


Next thing you know I feel a presence beside me "see you in art" I hear Felix say beside me, I turn and see him wink at me before he walks off with Hyunjin.

What the fuck just happend.

I recollected myself before rushing to class. Walking into the classroom I see Jay sitting across the room at a pottery table. I slowly walk over to him going to sit next to him when he points to Felix at an empty pottery table.

"You should sit with him, his table has a free seat" he says softly. "But" before i can speak another word Jay cuts me off. "When are you gonna get another chance to sit next to your crush" he reasons with me. "Fine i'll go sit with him" I say before wondering over to Felixs table.

Felix gives me a smile patting the seat next to me as if beckoning me over. "Hi Felix" i say with a nervous smile. "Hello Pretty" He says with his usual charming smile. I giggle lightly before my eyes find themselves back looking at Jay. Hes by himself until I see a girl approaching him. Something in me doesnt like the fact he's talking to a girl. It's nothing though i dont control him.

Luckily the table next to me holds Cynthia and Niki. I really never see them apart. Just as im about to engage in conversation with Cyn the teacher begins her lesson. Normally I would still be talking with my best friend but this is her favourite class and she is never not paying attention when its art time.

"Ok students this morning we will be doing pottery, your table partner will be your art partner for the rest of the year." I turn to look at Felix only to find he's already staring at me. I look away quickly averting my attention back to the teacher.

As the teacher explains how we will be creating our pottery masterpieces I zone out AGAIN. The only thing I can hear are Cynthias excited finger taps on the table, Felix steady breathing beside me and some girl conversing with someone else in class. I regain my focus and find that the girl talking was actually Elle.. and she was talking to Jay. Why would Felix's ex girlfriend be sitting with Jay.

"And that is how you make a vase!" My art teacher claps with a wide smile on her face. "Now kids go collect your supplies.. Uh mr nishimura do not run!" I turn to find Niki running to collect supplies Cyn chuckling close behind him.

"I'll go collect our stuff?" Felix asks nicely. "Oh yeah thank you" I give a smile. Next thing I know two pairs of hands land on my table, looking up my eyes meet with Elle's.

"Hi um who are you?" she asks with a very clear fake grin on her face. "Oh im Y/N everything ok?" I ask confused on why she would be talking to me. "Oh yeah everything's fine I just wanted to let you know that I had Felix first and your getting with MY sloppy seconds" Her smile drops as she speaks and her eyes harden.

Before I can respond Cyn comes back to her table next to me and she notices Elle. "Oh bugger off Elle go be someone elses problem" Cyn says causing Elle to scoff before waddling her little skinny high heels back to Jay.

"Did you miss me?" I hear as a certain cologne hits my nose. "ever so dearly" I respond as felix sits down next to me with our supplies. "Ok so do you know how to do this?" He says a bit unsure. "Yeah no i got zero clue" I reply with a chuckle. Felix attempts to take the clay out of its packet but is very messy with it. "I do not think this is my calling" He laughs, I joined in with a giggle.

"Maybe I should ask Cynthia what to do, shes a major art geek" I say my smile never leaving my face. "She uh might be a bit busy" He says with an eye brow raised pointing to cyn at the table next to me. I look over to see her sitting behind Niki her head on his shoulder as she leans over him to help him mold the clay. "oh!" I say louder than i shouldve but they dont stop what theyre doing.

"..Maybe we should try that" Felix suggests cautiously my face heating up. "Um sure" I reply and before I know Felix has moved his seat behind mine mimicking Cynthias position behind Niki. "Can i put my arms around you?" He asks gently. I give a quick nod afraid I would stutter if I spoke. His arms reach around me and i feel his chest press against my back. I can feel his hands glide down my arms and connect with my own hands to mold the clay.

I can smell expensive cologne and feel his hot breath right next to my ear. God he smelt good. "And then we do this i think" His hands move with mine as we mold the clay together and it's like everyone else is gone except they arent because I can feel a pair of eyes on me. Turning my head to look across the room I see Jay glaring at us Jaw tightend. He looks mad?

I try to turn my attention back to the clay and Felix but I cant. Jay doesnt stop staring straight at us. I see Elle beside him desperately trying to be a damsel in distress and get Jays help with the pottery. But he doesnt look at her. He looks at me. Our eyes not leaving one another.

I feel the warmth of Felixs body leave mine. Looking at him as if to ask why he stopped he explained himself. "The bell rang it's lunchtime. We're the only ones in here apart from Jay and Elle." And surely enough I looked around the classroom finding no one except Felix and the unlikely pair across the room.

"Want me to walk you to the lunch room?" Felix asks politely. As I was about to accept Jay walks up to us confidently grabbing my hand and bag. "I think shes good." he says coldly looking felix dead in the eye leading me out of the room.

"What was that about?" I ask him confused. "Its nothing." He dismisses me as we walk to the lunch room. "Whatever you say Jay" I say. He looks to me his face softening. "Thank you Sweetheart."



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