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Jin - what? you found what?

Rm - that diary!

Jk - which diary?

*shows the diary* "this diary! A witch right this diary, who was abused by her society & family. Her family members kill her" - rm said.

 Her family members kill her" - rm said

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Diary's picture

Jennie - what she wrote in it?

Jin - witch? Hyaaaaa! Which witch? Why witch? Who witch? T-thro-ough t-tha diar-ry!

Jk - shiishhh! Don't make any sound it's behind you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Jin - hyaaaaa! Oh my budh save me! Go to jimin he is cute and short!

Jimin - hyaaa! I know Taekonda! I'll kick you!

Hobi - guys my omma called me I have urgent work I have to go byeeeeee!!!!

Jk - hyaaa! I was kidding!

"As no one accept her, She give a curse to this world in anger" - rm replied to Jennie.

Jennie - which curse?

Rm - „Ich werde Monster schicken, nachdem sie in die Hölle gegangen sind, sie müssen weiterhin hart gegen sie kämpfen. Da sie mich wegen meiner Freundlichkeit getötet haben, werde ich ihnen ihr ganzes Glück gestohlen haben. Sie müssen hier überleben, sonst wird die Welt untergehen.“ Sie müssen dieses Spiel spielen, oh Luzifer, ich gebe ihnen diesen Fluch!“

Jennie - which Language is this?

"Germany Language" - rm said.

Jennie - what dose it means?

Rm - she said "I'll send monster after going to hell, they have to keep fighting with them preety well. As they killed me for my kindness, I'll stole their all happiness. They have to survive from this, or world will be finished. They have to play this game, oh lucifer I give this curse to them!"

Author p.o.v - I made this paragraph by myself! I literally took whole damn 27 minutes for it! I hope you'll like it!

Jennie  - OH MY CARBON DIOXIDE! So it's coming true!!?!!!?

Rm - I DON'T know but I think so!

"So what do you mean we are going to die!!!" - Jk/hobi/jin/jimin said at the same time!

Jennie  - shiiisshh! Keep silence 🤫!

Rm - I have prepared so many self defense things in my craft room let's go there!

Jk - inTAEligent!

[everyone went inside craft room , they were their self defense things]

"Lets wait inside the house until we have resources" - Jennie said.

Jk - yah you are right! Let's see how much food we have to survive!

Rm - I have Waki talkie! We can use it! Let me see where I through that! *awkward smile*

Hobi - then let me call taehyung & yoongi.

Jin - until you guys do that jimin let's secure the house!

Jimin - oki let's go!



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"We have This much food left!" Jennie said

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"We have This much food left!" Jennie said.

Hobi - guys there's a problem!

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