Chapter 3

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Ava and I are going back home me sitting on the back of her bicycle. My arms wrapped around her waist holding onto her as she cycles us back to the parker's home.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" She asks

"Yeah I guess I did" I smile thinking about the moment we were dancing together.

She chuckles, "I knew you would"


We arrive at the house she stops her bicycle and jumps off holding her steer I jump off as well.

"Ssh we need to be quiet it's pretty late about 12:30 Am we don't want my parents to find out we were at a party instead of just being out with friends." She whispers. Parking her bicycle against the brickwall.

I nod not wanting her to get in trouble.

She slowly opens the front door and we sneak inside we start looking around hoping no one was still up at this time.

"Alright all clear follow me and remember to be very quiet" Ava whispers and starts tiptoeing the stairs the stairs slightly creak but eventually she reaches upstairs and signs to me to go next.

I nod and try my hardest to be as quiet as possible the slight creaking of the stairs makes my heart raise.

Eventually I get upstairs and follow Ava to her room.

We plopped on her bed giggling quitely.

"Now remember if my parents ask why they didn't hear us coming home just tell them we were home before curfew" she whispers as I nod my head.

She smiles and I quitely sneak out of her room going to my own room as I plop on my bed I start changing in my PJs and get under the covers staring at the window looking at the stars. My heart was still going quite fast. I place my hand on my chest and my mind wanders over to the moment Ava and I were dancing together I couldn't stop looking at her her pretty smile printed in my head. I slowly close my eyes smiling and slowly drift off to sleep.

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