chapter 16

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" You??" I said

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" You??" I said.
" Raj sir ??"

" Hii Khushi" he said smiling.

"What are you doing here......wait are my cousin" I said hesitantly.

" Yes I am " he said smiling.

" Ohh" I said not knowing what to say.

" Come sit let's have dinner together" Reyansh Bhai said.

I went and sat on one of the chairs.

I saw the maids coming in with the bowls .

The smell engulfed the room .

I immediately recognised the smell.

( Comment if you love biryani because I LOVE biryani )

We started eating the delicious food.

After some time .

I heard a throat clearing voice. I still concentrated on my food.

I again heard it and I started to get irritated. I looked up and saw it was Raj si......ops Bhai.

" So how is living here with these monkeys" he asked

" Heyy" Aarav Bhai said offended.

Raj bhai royally ignored him and started eating.

After we have finished eating we parted ways and went to our rooms to sleep.


You are a curse.

You are such a burden.

Because of you he is dead.

I hate you.

I jolt awake because of the nightmare. After some time I calm myself down.

My throat felt dried . I took the jug of water but found it empty.

I sighed and started to walk downstairs.

I entered the kitchen and turned on the light .

I drank two glass of water.

I knew I will not get any sleep now so I decided I will roam around.

I went in the living room. It was very dark in there but it was okay for me.

As I was roaming around I saw a shadow of a person near the main door. It did not look my brothers shadow.

Oh God is it a thief.

I looked around the house for a weapon.

Ohh perfect. A broom.

I took the broom and went towards it.

I quickly started hitting it repeatedly.


I started to hear loud footsteps of running.

I continue to beat him. Suddenly the lights were turned on.

" What is happening here" Reyansh Bhai said

" Bhai see this man is a thief" I said still hitting

" Ow ow ow stop hitting me you little girl" the man said.

" Stop hitting him princess" Vihaan Bhai said.

I stopped hitting him . The man stood straight.

" Abhimanyu?? " Aarav Bhai said.

" Yes Bhai it me " the Abhimanyu  guy said

" I thought you will come tomorrow" Vihaan Bhai said.

" Yes but I thought to come early but this girl started hitting me out of nowhere" he said pointing at me

" Excuse me you are standing in my house and blaming me" I said in disbelief.

" What your house ?? This is my house " he said scoffing.

" Ok stop it !! First of all this is my house and second calm down" Reyansh Bhai said.

" Bhai who is this " I asked .

" Bhai?? Why are you calling him Bhai . He is my Bhai not yours" he said.

" He is MY Bhai" I said angrily.

" STOP IT both of you " Reyansh Bhai sternly.

We both shut our mouth.

" Ok Abhi so this is our sister and your twin and khushi this is your older twin brother" Reyansh Bhai said .

" WHAT" we both yelled




"" Abhimanyu stammered

Suddenly he hugged me. I awkwardly patted him .

He pulled away from the hug .

Aww why did he pull away . It was comfortable.

" Is the meeting over  I want to sleep" Aarav Bhai said .

" Now that you have met , let's sleep now and continue the introduction tomorrow" Vihaan Bhai said .

" Ok " I said and went towards my room.

I have another brother.

On top of that a twin.

I have four brothers.

Oh God help me!!


Author's note

A new chapter!!

Also a new character.

How is the chapter.

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