Chapter 32

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Mattheo pov

"I...L...Love you...Guys" Dani manages to spill out. One last breath escaped her mouth as her whole body went limp blood started to spill out her mouth in a single drop. My heart dropped at the sight i was in complete shock. I place my hands on the sides of her face and i slowly rub my thumb across her cheeks, she feels ice cold already like she's been like this for hours. Time felt like it stopped all i could hear was muffled voices and the feeling of someone tugging on me.

It took me a few minutes to finally snap back into real-time after an explosion that was close by finally Harry grabbed onto me and dragged me back away from Dani.

"NO WE CAN'T LEAVE HER" I shouted out trying to escape his grasp but i got double-teamed and i felt two pairs of hands on me and all of a sudden i was apparated away and into this dark and dusty house.

"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT SHES YOUR FUCKING SISTER AND YOU LEFT HER" I shout in Harry's face and shove him against the wall. I could feel tears starting to prick the surface of my eyes.

"I HAD TO, DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK I WANTED TO LEAVE HER BUT SHE WAS DEAD AND WE HAD TO GET OUT OF THERE" He yells straight back at me as if he did what was right does this fucking pick seriously think he did was right he left his sister.

"YOU FUCKING LEFT YOUR SISTER AND HER FUCKING KID" I spat at him. Shit what did i just say no one was supposed to know about that. In all fairness, he needed to know who he left behind and i swear to god I'm gonna kill him for leaving Dani behind.

"What" whispers around everyone and I'm just staring down at Harry and he just looks shocked about the news but with a hint of guilt. Damn right he should feel guilty about what he did.

"Your not serious are you" Pansy steps towards me and Harry who i have now pinned against the wall. I finally let go of Harry and i turn to her and my face just overflows with sadness. "It was my kid" I whispered to her and all of a sudden it felt like my weight just collapsed and i fell to my knees and i started to hyperventilate. I lost my girl and my kid all in a second and i couldn't do anything about it.

"Stop being such a fucking baby Riddle"Harry spouts out at me as if im the one being over dramatic and this makes my blood boil. I jump off of the floor and wrap my hands around his neck and slam him against the wall raising him higher and higher, he not even touching the ground and i don't care i will kill if it means i can get my girl back.

"YOU THINK IM BEING OVER FUCKING DRAMATIC I JUST LOST MY FUCKING GIRL THEY LOST THEIR BEST FRIEND AND YOU LOST YOUR FUCKING SISTER THAT YOU DONT EVEN DESERVE, you know I've seen what's gone inside her fucking head how you two used to be and she missed that she always thinks about the times when you guys were close when you both protected each other and she has DONE MORE SHIT FOR YOU THEN YOU KNOW" I raise my voice then start to calm down and the words i said just made me angrier he doesn't get what Dani has done for him over the years she may have never told us about him and that was to protect him and whenever she disappeared off she was looking out for her brother she cared for this son of a bitch and he doesn't give a damn. 

I lectured Harry about how he just thinks I'm being over dramatic honestly how does he have the audacity to go at me like this when this is his fucking sister we are talking about. He just looks smug like he knows something i don't and I'm gonna get that something no matter.

"LIAR she doesn't give a damn about me she hasn't in years but i have always looked out for her" He spits out at me. I start to grip my hands around his neck tighter now he's starting to gasp for air. "ENOUGH" Blaise storms up to me taking me release my grip on him, Harry just falls to the floor. Granger and three of the Weasleys (Ron obviously and the twins) gather around him to make sure he is okay.

I stared at Blaise and i guess he could see that i was struggling so he stepped in.

"How is Mattheo being a baby and why aren't you more worried about your own sister" Blaise questions Harry. Ron and Hermione help Harry to his feet he pushes them away to make it seem like he is stronger than we know so that we don't suspect he is weak. I don't suspect that but i do suspect that he is a liar and doesn't give a shit about his sister.

"I am worried about her but what you probably haven't realised by now is that she always has a plan in mind and it usually involves her risking her own life or pushing everyone away from her why do you think i was so okay with her pushing me away and saying 'i wasn't her brother anymore' it was all part of her plan" Harry explains to us and this just has me in shock. How the hell did i never know this shes my girl and i can read her fucking mind i normally do especially when i think she is hiding something from me.

"So what her plan this time" I speak up and push past Blaise I'm not sure he was too happy about that but at the minute i don't care i want my girl back.

"She never discloses her plans to everyone but trust she had a plan," Harry says in a calming tone to try and dis way me. I swear this kid is getting on my nerves. I sarcastically laugh at his remark as if what he just says was really funny.

"She's dead and you don't even care and you believe that's she going to come back to life because it is a part of her plan" I started to laugh out and i could feel all the looks on me like I was the crazy one. They all start to leave the room that we were in just leaving me and Blaise.

"If Potter says she has a plan she must have a plan," He tells me. I don't care what he has to say i threw my back at the wall and slid down it eventually hitting the floor. I brought my knees close to my chest and i held my wrist in my hand and my knees resting in my arms. Blaise can and sat with me doing the same 

"She died in front of me with my kid and you want me to believe that she will come back" I question him and he just sighs in response as if he is the one lost for words, he lost his best friend and he believes that she will come back why isn't anyone else taking this seriously and since when does this lot believe in Potter and his friends.

If Dani believed in him to look after him after all these years then I've got to try and at least believe that she will come back, i just hope that Potter is right about this and for the first time in my life I'm praying that she is gonna be alright.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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