chapter 25

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"It's not what you think, Jung Sungchan!" I screamed, but covered my mouth after hearing Anton groan above me since he must have been interrupted from his slumber. Oh god. Why does Sungchan have to witness this? I am so gonna kill myself.

"I don't want a niece or a nephew yet, sis. God." Sungchan exasperatedly told me, before leaving me to go out of the room without even helping me in moving Anton away from me.

I let out a deep sigh before slowly moving Anton's body to the other side of the bed. And before getting up, I made sure to check his temperature first, and relief washes over me when I saw that he no longer has a fever.

I guess we can finally leave now that he's feeling better.

"Don't go." I was shocked when Anton's hand was fast enough to grab my arm even before I can get up from his bed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, trying to change the topic.

"Good morning to you too, Yuyu." he groggily greeted me, still rubbing his eyes since he just woke up. He looks so cute. I wish I can see him like this always, it gives me a sense of comfort.

Yeah, dream on, Jung Yumi.

"Good morning," I greeted back with a smile on my face, feeling happy that he looks better now.

"Hey, you 2. Get up, the others will be here any minute now. They're bringing breakfast!" Sungchan called for us outside the door, so Anton and I both got up to fix ourselves.

"Yuyu, about last night. . ." Anton tried to start a conversation, but I stopped him by placing my hand on top of his mouth. I don't think I'm ready to talk about what happened last night. If he's going to tell me to forget all about it, then I don't want to hear it.

But Anton removed my hand swiftly, and the next thing I know was my back being pressed on his door with his arms in both my sides, locking me.

"As long as you want me, I'll try my best to like you back." Anton whispered, and I could only let out a chuckle because I got scared for nothing. I extended my arm to touch his face and rub it softly.

"I don't think I can ever stop wanting you, Anton. So like me back quickly, okay?" I reminded him, and what happened next surprised me because Anton squished my cheeks with both his hands before he started kissing my face continuously. He was drowning me in kisses, making me laugh because he was being too silly yet adorable. It was nice to see another side of him again.

"Hey, stop!" I tried to stop him, and I was glad when he finally did. He has this stupid smile on his face as he stared at me with that freaking look on his face that I can't decipher.

After getting ready, Anton and I finally went down only to get once again surprised at the sight of someone from outside our circle here. Haruto is present alongside our friends. I took a secret glance at Anton and once again, I wasn't able to read what his thoughts were. He only had that blank look on his face.

"No baby making yet, please." Dohee tried to fake nag at us, but I could only glare at her because now's not the time for that given that Anton's mood has changed because they brought an unfamiliar face inside his house.

"I need to leave with Haruto, guys. Got some practice to prepare for our game later. Anton, take care of my sister, yeah? And, I hope you can all come later for our game." Sungchan was biting on a piece of loaf while saying those things, so we just waved at him good bye. Oh, so that's the reason why Haruto's here.

"Do you really have to ask us that? Of course we'll be there to support you. So, do your best, okay?" Taro playfully joked, making my brother laugh at his best friend's antics.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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