v ) when i think too much about it, i can't breathe

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when i think too much about it, i can't breathe

when i think too much about it, i can't breathe

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Songs referenced in CHAPTER FIVE...

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

Heroes - David Bowie

Word Count: 3,055

NOVA WAS THE first of her friends to sit down at the Gryffindor Table for lunch. She was one of the first people in the hall, in fact. Only a few of the lesson-skippers were in the Great Hall before her. She slipped one headphone in, already dreading the noise that would come with the floods of students. Nova didn't press play, she just left the headphone it that wouldn't be drowning out her friends voices.

She had sat at the very end of the bench, closest to the door. As expected, the stampede of students didn't take long to rush through the doors. The room was enveloped in chatter and laughter.

"Hey," Harry smiled, sitting next to Nova.
Ron and Hermione sat on the bench opposite them, both with an annoyed look on their faces. It was obvious they'd been arguing.
"What's happened now?" Nova asked with a laugh.
"Nothing." the two replied in unison.
"They were bickering about my reading in my tea leaves." Harry replied for them, beginning to spoon some stew into his bowl.
"Oh, d'you get the Grim?" Nova asked, absently playing with the wire of her headphones.

"How do you know about the Grim?" Hermione asked. "You don't do Divination."
"I don't, but I read a book about it." she shrugged.
"Why would you voluntarily do that?" 

Nova shrugged again and grabbed a piece of bread from the tray in front of them.
"When my Dad worked in that café, I used to sit on one of the table and do homework or whatever, and once this muggle lady came up to me and sat down opposite me. She had those... um... cards, like the ones you read your future with."
"Tarot cards?" Hermione asked.
"Mhm. She read my future and mine was death. And then like a month later I almost died. So I read a Divination book." Nova leant back so that she was resting against the wall, her knees propped up and leaning against the table.

"W-what do you mean almost died?" Ron chuckled awkwardly.
Hermione shoved her elbow into his ribs, making Ron double over. Nova smiled weakly.
"I know... that you know." she replied quietly.

The three went quiet.
"We didn't want to..." Hermione started, but closed her mouth, unsure as to what to say.
"We didn't really want to bring it up." Harry replied. "If you would've brought it up, we wouldn't have... y'know pretended like we didn't know."
"It's okay." Nova nodded, looking at her knees. "How'd you find out?"

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