Chapter 11, Emperor

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The room was disgustingly lavish in decor, bedight in gold and white sandstone and the floor littered with blobs of a purple, genatinous substance strewn about. In the middle of it all sat a Cabal in golden armored robes, jeweled chalice in his right hand and an amethyst stamped to his forehead with a gold plate. He downed the last of the fluid in the chalice, also containing the lavender colored gelatin, smacking his lips together as best a Cabal could. He furrowed his brow in a bored expression before standing from the throne, letting the chalice hang down at his side as he walked out of the throne room, out of an immense gold and marble door, leading out to an impressive courtyard that was overlooked by a massive statue of the same Cabal.

He approached the statue and dragged a fingeracross the largest toenail, looking at his finger and frowning at the layer of dust on it. He looked upwards to see a shield of plasma between the courtyard and the passing blueshifted stars overhead. He took in a deep breath and turned to one of the other doors in the courtyard, making his way over to it as a deep warble was heard overhead; a stray asteroid burning up against the plasma shield at relativistic speeds. He didn't visibly acknowledge it as the door opened and he descended a staircase lit by torch scones that burned with sulfur blue flame.

At the bottom of the steps, he entered into a theatre of sorts, a grid of white plasma set up in front of the stage that seemed to contain a large Vex minotaur, its chassis weathered like oxidized copper. He sat in a throne at the back of the theatre, letting out a slow exhale as he watched the Minotaur wander back and forth. The Cabal spoke, seemingly to the Minotaur, but it didn't acknowledge him at first.

Cabal; "Oh, my beloved Hasapiko... We're nearly in the Sol system. I hope that my Shadows have been productive apart from me."

He let out a chuckle, eyes cast towards the front row of the theatre.

Cabal; "Perhaps we will find more of your kind here, away from the star forge."

Hasapiko paused and looked at the Cabal, letting out a quick sequence of squawks and warbles, prompting another chuckle from the Cabal.

Cabal; "Maybe I'll let you go free, find your own tribe of Vex to comingle with... Oh, but how I would miss your little constructs and talkative episodes."

Hasapiko beeped and groaned as they stood with a straight posture, their head perking up and scanning to the right, a red cone of light shining forward at the wall. The Cabal let out a huff of amusement before raising an eyebrow upon hearing footsteps to the left, looking to see a Psion in purple and gold armor running over, kotowing once they reached the throne. They remained on the floor for a full 15 seconds before standing, looking up at the Cabal with a combination of reverence and exhaustion. The Cabal could hear her voice in her mind, also sounding exhausted from her apparent sprint through the halls.

Psion; "Oh mighty and glorious Calus, Emperor of all joys, Prince of mirth, Champion of cheer, Lord of laughter, Master of celebrations, the good host with-"

Calus held up a hand to stop the Psion from speaking, smiling as he looked at her.

Calus; "You may dispense with the formalities, Turok. What news do you bring?"

Turok took a couple heavy breaths before regaining her posture, clasping her hands behind her back.

Turok; "We've heard back from Kravaum, your double-agent... Ghaul is dead, but not from the Shadows."

His smile turned to confusion, and Calus stood from the throne.

Calus; "Walk with me to the bridge... Who finished him off, then?"

Turok would follow Calus to the bridge as they both recieved a vision of the computer viewing from Kravaum; Ghaul being shot from the sky by a rocket fired by a Guardian on the ground, slamming into the hull of the Immortal with a tremendous clang. Calus laughed as the vision faded, and they were now on their way to the bridge through another door that was in the courtyard.

Calus; "Such a small thing to fell such a mighty gladiator! You would hardly think it a threat, and yet... What is it?"

Turok slowed her pace so Calus could walk ahead of her.

Turok; "A Human, native to the system. We don't know their subspecies or tribe, all we know is their wield incredible magic, nothing like we've seen before."

Calus let out a hum of contemplation as they made their way onto the bridge that was still opulent in appearance, busy with more Psions and guarded by a pair of Centurions, also donned in gold and purple armor. The blueshifting of the viewport gave way to a view of Nessus, pale green atmosphere contrasted by autumn colored trees and blocky patches of Vex concrete exposed to space. Turok approached one of the bridge screens and tapped a few buttons, looking back to Calus with a surprised expression.

Turok; "Your eminence, there's a fleet of ships gathering on the other side of the planetoid. Ten, to be precise."

Calus took a couple steps closer, letting out a laugh.

Calus; "Ten ships? Red Legion, I presume?"

Turok nodded, pulling up a projection of the fleet.

Turok; "Yes. The highest-ranking member registers as Val... Ca'uor."

Calus again laughed, resting his hands on his stomach.

Calus; "They've only a Val to lead them? They will not get far... But, I would hate to lose so many of my loyal subjects in a war of attrition, not to mention I only have so many automatons."

Turok tilted her head out of curiosity, flipping through a few windows on the monitor before turning back to Calus.

Turok; "Your eminence, Red Legion comms report a rogue Human on Nessus, accompanied by a couple of Eliksni. They seem to also wield the magic that killed Ghaul. If just one could kill Ghaul..."

Calus grew a smirk on his face.

Calus; "One would certainly be more than enough for a Val."

He put a hand on his chin in thought, turning around to look at the bridge crew before his eyes landed on the Centurion to his left.

Calus; "You; remove your helmet and tell me your name."

The Centurion lifted his helmet up the way one may raise the hood of a car, pulling a rebreather from his mouth.

Centurion; "Uh, Thot'gor, your eminence."

Calus nodded with a smile.

Calus; "Take one of the pleasure barges and travel to the planetoid... Locate this Human and promise them riches in exchange for taking care of Ca'our; whatever their little heart desires."

Thot'gor put his helmet back on, setting the rebreather back in his mouth and saluting by banging a fist to his chest.

Thot'gor; "Of course, your eminence; they'll be here as soon as possible."

As Thot'gor left the bridge, Turok turned to Calus, folding her arms over her chest.

Turok; "Um... Where are you going, my Emperor?"

Calus laughed, turning to leave the bridge, holding up the chalice he'd been brandishing this whole time as though it were afixed to his arm.

Calus; "To get a refill... And prepare a feast for my future guests."

Crimson AmbitionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora