Home, Sweet Home

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Beginning of Story:

"I'm home!"

I called out as I pushed the door open. It became a habit on my tongue. 

Bright lights greeted me. My mom was on the living room couch, watching TV, and my dad was sitting in his office, flipping through the stacks of paper on his desk.

My dad looked up from his work and gave me a curt nod, before resuming his work. He was a busy man, aged in the forties. He was bald and had round glasses. He was wearing a white long sleeve, rolled up to his elbow, and his blue jeans was visible under his desk.

I threw my backpack on the base of the stairs and ran towards the refrigerator, looking for water.

It was summer, and my family decided to put water bottles in the refrigerators to keep it cold. I grabbed the nearest water bottle and took a chug of it. I wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my shirt, and looked towards my mom.

She was fully invested in her television show called, "Love Destiny," a very bad named show to me.

"Ugh!" My mom cried out, throwing her hands up into the air. The show had finished and the credits were scrolling up. "Right when it was starting to get good," she said.

I laughed, "They leave every episode on a cliff hanger, so that they can have more viewers."

Ending of Story:

The clouds darkened, and rain began to drop from the sky. I didn't move an inch and stood there, allowing the rain droplets to soak through my clothes.

I didn't feel the cold and numbness spreading through my body. The warmth was already gone.

Tears flowed down my cheeks, keeping in rhythm with the rain. I slowly took a step forward, my feet brushing against a fallen stick on the road.

A memory flashed in my mind: the flashing lights, white sheets, and pale skin.

My feet made themselves up the stairs to my porch. I knew the way through memory and the countless times I climbed them since young.

My shaking hand turned the door to my house.

"I'm home," my voice trembled, echoing around the dark and empty house.

Author's Note: 

Hey to those reading this right now. I decided to write in this format because why not, and mostly because I wanted to jot down random ideas that popped in my head. 

This helps me calm my ideas down, and I get to speed write it, too. Instead of writing a whole novel, this is simpler too lol.

You can always give my ideas and thank you to those reading! <3

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