Chapter of introduction - 0.1 (English)

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Hiiiii! This chapter is only a introduction for the story, in this chapter I'm going to explain everything so you won't get confused while reading! 🫶

Well, you problaby had already notice that I'm going to made this story in English, Portuguese and Korean, Why? Because I wanted to made my life harder since I was bored. Since I'm going to made every chapter 3 times, each one in a different language + I need to study for school and some more things, but I want to post one chapter per week! Even if it have a hiatos because of something i'm ALWAYS going to explain and I promise too that I wont have any hiatos longer than 2 months.

(Information: I have 13 year old and I am one of the best students of my grade, I'm always in the top 3, so I'm always going to focus 100% of myself on my finals week, that are quite a lot :(, to continue to have the same grade I always have)

Another warning is that I'm from Brazil  and I'm not GOOD in any of that 3 languages! Even though Portuguese is my native language, I'm ngl, but I'm kinda bad at it  and have some difficulty sometimes, English I know the basic and some time I need to use the translator, and Korean I know 0% of it and I'm using the translator. Even though with all that I'm going to give my max and try to do the best story possible for you (readers) to enjoy! 

This is my first story so it is common for it to same some mistakes or maybe you want to suggest anything or anything else be free to comment! I promise to read everyone's commentary, answer them and learn with them ♥️


 1. The language of the chapter is always on the parentheses. Example:  (name of the chapter) - chapter ?? (Korean) = story in Korean

 2. Every time it have the capital X it means it is a hit chapter. Example: (name of the chapter) - chapter ??X = hot

 3. Every action of the Fl (female lead or protagonist) is always on brackets. Example: [she gets up]

 4. The TWO lines quotation marks demonstrate speech. Example: "You are dumb?" She spoke to him...

 5. The ONE line quotation mark demonstrate thoughts. Example: 'He his lying...' she thinks to herself, she wanted...

 6. Every time it appears *** it means that the NARRATOR changed. Example: I hate being the Marchioness *** ' what should I do? The madam looks sad..' I smiled happily even being a maid...

 7. Every times it appears ** it means that the SCENE changed. Example: The marchioness left the church. ** The emperor was in the imperial palace...

 8. Every time it appeared * it means that the CHAPTER ended. Example:  "that is useless" she spoke to the poor boy. *

 9.  Every time ### appears that ######### #### ## #### 

 Every time I use a new signal I will add it to this list! So if you see a new signal come back here and see what it means ★

 Have a good reading! ♡

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