DarkGrave - 1

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Ralsei and Kris walked through the dark world, an awkward silence between the two. The dark prince wanted to make conversation, but felt like he'd just be making it more awkward if he tried to interfere. Before he could even brush off the idea, however, they encountered someone.

A Rudinn.

It was the first real battle Ralsei had ever experienced. He was slightly giddy. He'd never ventured outside the castle much, having spent most of his existence waiting in his castle, so he couldn't help but feel excited. "Kris! This is your first real battle. You can try out what i taught you." He eyed the lightner, noticing the grip on their sword tightened.

Kris put up his shield. Defense. They turned to Ralsei, looking over the spells the dark prince had told them about.


Kris looked at Ralsei, speaking in a calm, balanced tone. "Use [DARK MIST]." The dark prince tilted his head, but obediently cast the spell. A dark, thick cloud of darkness descended onto the Rudinn, quickly falling over the enemy. When the darkness cleared, the anime was turned to stone. Ralsei hesitated.

".. I, ah, didn't know thats what that spell did." Ralsei admited. "I suppose the battles is over, then." Kris gave a worldess nod, as a few dark bucks appeared next to the statue. They grabbed it, putting it in their pockets. The lightner began walking away quickly, as the dark prince quickly followed after them.

The next few minutes went on in the same way. The duo encountered two more Rudinns, Kris put up their shield, and Ralsei used their spell at the lightners command. The two enemies turned to stone. Ralsei looked over at the lightner. They didn't like the frozen look of shock on the poor creatures faces, forever trapped in the same moment the prince of darkness turned them to stone.

Ralsei shook his head.
No, no. He couldn't think about that.
Noticing Kris had began walking away, he quickly rushed to catch up.

Ralsei chuckled at the signs him and Kris passed, finding the childness in the writing amusing. He even saw some scribbles on the side. Kris stayed silent the entire time, besides the brief interactions in-between. Like him receiving the white ribbon. It laid still around his hat. It made him feel pretty. Was that the right word? Pretty. Yes, that seemed quite fitting to how he felt.

The battles, though..
He'd admit, they weren't going as planned. He'd imagined a more passive outcome. Kris had told him to use one spell in particular, though, in-battle.

Dark Mist.

The enemies turned to stone at Ralsei's hand. He didn't feel quite right about it. But it was what Kris wanted, right? And he had to do what Kris wanted, didn't he? That was every Darkners purpose. To assist Lightners. That's what all the books he read said, wasn't it?

So maybe this was ok.
If this was what Kris wanted, it was ok.
It was A-ok, wasn't it?

Soon enough, they found Susie. After a bit of conversation, Susie joined the party. Ralsei thought it went pretty well. They even solved a puzzle together! That was what friends did together, wasn't it?

The only inconvenience he could find was in the next battle.

C.Round approached them, kicking its little legs as it initiated the battle. Ralsei already knew what Kris would pick, prepping [DARK MIST].

As they cast the spell, Susie prepped her axe. Right as the spell ended, the second lightner sliced at the now-statue creature, a piece of its arm crumbling to the ground. Susie stared for a moment.

".. The fuck?" Was the first thing she said. "You could do that?" She quickly recovered, though, replying to her own question before the dark prince could answer. "What the hell, man?! I wanted to slice 'er head off!" Her tone was a mix of serious and joking. Mostly joking. But not a friendly type of joking. A mean type of joking. Like she was a bit mad.

"A-apologies, Susie. I was just doing what Kris told me to." Ralsei spoke softly, looking down at the floor. Susie sighed. "Whatever. Lets keep going." She quickly walked ahead, separating herself from the group a considerable amount. "Lets catch up to her Kris..!"

Kris nodded, muttering a single phrase.


Hello me author here
lowkey ASHAMED of the name of the spell 💀

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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