Chapter 15

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Azula sat on the floor of the safe house performing a full split as she stretched her legs while grabbing her foot. She needed to make sure she was nice and limber just in case they ran into the Sun's again.

Sev and Skeeve watched as she performed this feat that seemed to defy anatomy, at least for them.

"Wow, she's bendy." Skeeve commented as the stretch made him feel like his legs would cramp up by looking at it.

"Yeah, that's super weird." Sev said, feeling a similar pain in the organic parts of his legs, "Is that normal for humans or is it just a her thing?"

"Who knows, humans are weird. They're like discount Pendarens."

"She can shoot fire and lightning out of her hands. I think Pendarens are discount humans."

Azula could hear this conversation loud and clear but didn't pay it any mind and chose to focus on her stretches. Although it was a novel thing to hear them wonder about the abilities of her people.

"That's got to be painful tho, right?" Sev asked.

"Clearly not if she's still doing it."

She grinned as they admired her superior flexibility, it feels like nothing can bother her now.

"That or she's just a masochist."

She immediately lost her smile at the implication.

"Gross." Sev followed up.

"Do you two not have anything better to do other than gawk and make rude comments?" She rudely responded, "And no I am neither in pain nor am I a masochist!" She got out of the stretch with ease and shifted into another equally difficult looking stretch.

"Nope." Sev yawned, "The holovid display barely works, so we're watching your freakshow stretches."

Azula snorted at that, "Please. What you are seeing is nothing. If you want a real freakshow you should see my old underling Ty Lee, she could bend at angles that made me wonder if she had bones."

"That's weird. You're people are weird." Skeeve said.

"Say's the rat man." she responded.

"That's racist."

Cetro appeared in their corner, "Alright you band of idiots. Grab your crap and let's get ready to go."

"Good morning to you as well, Cetro." Azula responded flatly while getting out of her stretch, "Do we have a route to our destination?"

"Yeah, the doc's bot has the route Jackro gave us. It's a little along the way from here so we need to be covert."

B3 rove up to them, "I have tapped into local police frequencies as requested and have found that patrols are being spread out into surrounding sectors. The probability of detection by law enforcement is forty-five percent."

"What about the Sun's?" Sev asked.

"No data available on Gold Sun movements. Detection from them estimated to be-"

"Bad, got it."

Lectro returned to them from the roof opening, "Guy's we need to hurry, I just saw some Gold Sun air vehicles land."

"That's our queue to leave."

They all left the safe house and made their way through the crowded streets weaving through hordes of countless aliens and with it came the heat blindness that overwhelmed Azula's senses.

"This is hell." She stated flatly as she squinted her eyes.

"Sorry Azula. Can't really be helped at a time like this." Lectro apologized, "To think we came out here just to see how the star affects you and look how much of a mess that became."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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