Friendly acquaintance

441 11 62

The lowly Poob stumbled across the dark night as they stepped on the little stepping stones which led directly to the golden doors of a rather 'fancy' home, feeling worse than they had their entire life, didn't help that they were drenched thanks to the rain, but hey all it'd take is just one knock to at least get some warmth. that is if they even respond.




the door creaked slowly as a rather friendly and familiar grey fellow greeted poob through the door.

"Oh! Poob! what a....nice surprise!" wallter commented, looking concerned but pleased "please come in- The rain is quiet unforgiving yes?"

poob muttered a small thanks before stepping in and shaking their head a little to get rid of the water, wallter told them to stay put as they came back with a towel for poob to warm in as their dripping and torn clothing didn't quite help, before wallter led the rather tired looking and traumatized poob into his extravagant home. its a good thing wallter was selfless as he didn't really mind the trails of mud and other wet substances staining the marble floor, just his friend looking troubled...


"'ve been hiding for the past few days? Because of an argument with..pest??"


"oh poob.." wallter sighed and shook his head before sipping slowly at his cup of warm tea. "this sort of reminds me of mark and myself...always arguing until it got too far.."

"so ur saying I shuld.. break up?' poob sniffled

"no no no! not that! at least if that's what you want... bit of I had to be honest with you, you two should probably work on your problems and communication, work on yourselves.. the whole shebang" Wallter mentioned as he took the last sip of his tea and placed the drained cup on the table front of him, "and of you don't mind me asking.. what was that argument about anyways?"

"Oh juzt abt u n the camp..."


"And then he mentioned not caring abt I gut mad at him then I ran away into an alleyway befre a group of weirdos fought him and he lozt.."

Wallter arched an eyebrow "lost? Isn't pest a very strong person?"

"He iz!1! He can hold a Boulder! So it caem az a surprise to meh..."

"Jesus...maybe caught him off gaurd eh?" He chuckled nervously

"Yeah, that and meh burning da faces of the main leader or sumthing..."

"....I beg your finest pardon?"

"I...burned their facez off?"

"?? How in the world-"

"Oh! Eazy! I juzt do dis-" and just like that the little party noob would erupt in flames again, while simultaneously not burning anything they touched, just targeting bringing heat; but it was almost for a quick moment for before wallter would utter a single humane sound, the noob has receded back to its regular self just like that, albeit dried now.

"Bloody hell!! Is this supposed to be normal??"

"Well, I had it since I waz a lil baby, so maybe it iz." Poob shrugged as they chugged on their re-heated tea before placing it away

".. well now I get why you two had a fallout"

"Yuh.." Poob sniffled "he hates me know.."

"I don't think he hates you.. just.. understandably surprised at your little.. 'condition'"

"..Maybe I shuld hav told him.."

"Well yeah you probably should have.... " wallter hissed in second hand awkwardness as he just turned his head away "I don't know what to exactly tell you for this but what I can say is; just try to make the best of your situation alright? Maybe with some communication you two will be better than ever-" he repeated

"Yuh..." Poob smiled a little, finding comfort in his words "I hope so.."

"Do you.. want to stay for a little while?" Wallter mentioned, scratching the back of his head "it's awfully lonely today and I really appreciated your company- it was lovely.."

Poob smiled widely "yuh, that'd b nice.."


There, in the backyard, after all the rainy clouds had dissapaited, parting away like curtains to reveal the magnificent starry night, cans of gray stiff had surrounded the two, with Poob chugging some themselves, Wallter just feeling them leaning against him.

It reminded him of those god times with mark.

"It's a lovely night.."

"Yuhhh.." poob slurred, feel it to be a bit hard to breath.

"You know, I just realized something.." wallter sluggishly pointed out "we're.. insignificant...yeah I know that it's canon fact but, isn't it so.. entertaining? Just amazing? That even though we are just sand grains, we're sand grains together, and that will mean more than the grand size of the stars out here, we don't need to worry about our past or future, or whether we're insignificant or grand or not, or what the meaning of life is, what matters is making your own destiny right. Now...wouldn't you agree poob?"

He turned to Poob, expecting an answer only to get a deep put in his stomach that something is wrong but couldn't place his finger on exactly what it is thanks to him being partially wasted. Maybe it was poob's unmoving, almost dull eyes, maybe it was their limp posture coupled with their now unnaturally desaturated skin. Or perhaps it was just the gray stuff hardening sorting the lips, in their mouth and lungs, perhaps it was the fact that they are unresponsive and catatonic to anything...Wallter was too confused to click on the fact, because for him, this was like an ever changing puzzle.

"Poob?" Wallter said, lightly shaking them

"Pooob??" He shook again, a little harder, until he stopped and just stared at Poob for a moment, the eeriee silence setting in and burning in wallters ears as he tried one more time.



"..p.. poob?"

" noob?"

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