Chapter 5

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I wasn't a light sleeper, nor a heavy one, but I'd like to think I could react to danger from sleep pretty well. Since it was morning and no guards had come for us during the night, it seemed Khana was serious about not minding Rato's criminal status. Though, that was a bit obvious.

Following her suggestion, Rato and I had gone to find a slave trader last night. She didn't mind it, agreeing with Khana's views on hero protection. Personally, I think she also wanted me to know for a fact she didn't do what Conrad accused her of. Plus, she still wanted to see a filolial queen and staying with me would lead her to that.

Omir had stayed up for us and showed the way. He or Khana clearly expected me to do what she said, and they were right. We got there without issue, got a slave seal on Rato, and confirmed her side of the story. I was glad that ended up being the case, not only for my own peace of mind, but also so Khana would have less of an issue with me, if she considered us having an issue.

It was a little pricier than I wanted, since we had to get her old seal removed first. We needed her previous owner's blood to change it over to me. Sure, I had her previous owner's blood—in that I had his body in my axe—but I wasn't about to pull out his body. That would not have been a good look.

The trader also warned me about the limit on a basic seal. Someone who went through a class upgrade would likely be too powerful for it to work, meaning the shock wouldn't affect her. That was just fine with me. If I really needed it, the seal would still go off if she lied with the setting on, assuming I used it.

While I was at it, I went ahead and got the Slave User series unlocked, thanks to the ink and a bit of blood from Rato. I didn't plan on making a slave army or anything, but I had a few ideas for down the line.

Today, we'd be going out with two different hero parties, though not full ones. XP was still needed, and having too many from Khana's would reduce it more than having extra people would help.

After a quick breakfast downstairs, Rato and I went out to the stables to get Hailey. Omir and Garth were just coming down when we exited.

"Gweh!" Hailey squawked as we approached. She moved her head around excitedly until I was close enough to nuzzle.

"Good morning to you too." I said, running my fingers up and down her feathery neck.


Part of me was disappointed Hailey hadn't changed yet, but I couldn't say I was surprised. I couldn't remember how much time Naofumi spent in Lute after his race with Motoyasu, therefore how long it took for Filo to transform. A few days at most. I think they had to make a cart or something. It might have been a single day.

"Gweh?" Hailey cocked her head to the side.

"It's nothing." I gave her a smile and continued petting her. She would transform when she transformed. I wasn't in any rush, especially since it would mean meeting Fitoria. Assurances aside, I was still a bit uneasy about it.

It wasn't long before the first of Khana's party came out of the inn.

"A-Ah! Sir Axe Hero!" Martin bowed the moment he saw me. "I believe I acted shamefully yesterday at the inn. Please excuse me!"

I had to hold back a laugh, and the urge to ruffle his hair under his hat. "'Dante' is fine, and no problem. I had a good time."

That caused him to jolt and slowly look up at me. "D-Did" His blush made it clear what he was asking.

"No. We didn't do...whatever it is you're thinking about." Still not into men, even feminine-looking men. Or boys, but that tacked on another issue.

"Don't be in such a rush, Martin." Khana came out and placed a hand on his shoulder, fully encompassing it. "I'm sure little man will warm up to you."

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