»family trip«

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Pest x mark


It's been 2 months so mark decided they would have a family trip

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It's been 2 months so mark decided they would have a family trip

Mark: hey Lampert are you ready for the trip??

Lampert: Yeah I am but I am wondering can infected come

Mark: isn't he your boyfriend?

Lampert: I mean Idk maybe.

Mark: well go ask him

Lampert: RN?

Mark: mhm well you like him don't ya?

Lampert: yeah...

Mark: well go ask him to be your boyfriend

Lampert: ok!

(Lampert goes to infecteds apartment)

Lampert: infected? Are you home?

Infected: 0h y34h!! C0m3 1n :3

(Lampert enters his apartment)

(Lampert enters his apartment)

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Infected: S0 wh4ts up?

Lampert: do you consider me your like boyfriend?

Infected: w3ll 0f c0urs3 :)

Infected: 1 d1d s1nc3 y0u k1ss3d M3 L4mp3rt:3

Lampert: oh really well I am going with my dad in a family trip and I was wondering if you would like to go with me??

Infected: 0H sur3 :]

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