The past is in the past

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Elsa's POV

The past is in the past.

I kept on repeating the phrase over and over. If I leave the past behind then I'll probably figure how I actually feel towards Jack.

Believe it or not I actually liked it

He liked the kiss? Did I like the kiss?

Did I? Maybe I did. But it was so long ago. But the feeling I had when our lips touched, I remember it like it was yesterday.

But I would have to kiss him again so I could actually know if I liked it or not. Like that's ever going to happen again.

This was a weird day. Why am I so bipolar. I mean I hate jack then I love him.......... Wait did I say love.

Yes you did

But I don't love him

Quit denying it

But it isn't true

Your really going to argue with your self..... Again

No but I'm not in love with him. I can't even forgive him.

You will soon.

Ugh I hate you little voice. Maybe have a small crush on him but not love him at least not yet........

(Short I know but I just wanted to update and I wanted to thank you my loyal readers. And I just published a new book called when will love come my way? Please check it out. Only one chapter but if I get 5 positive comments then I'll update it)

Just remember, not everything is what it seems ;)-Damaris

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