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Feel free to correct any mistakes you find

Jimin's POV:

"Why? Why are you thinks like that?" She asked me with a frown in her face.

"Think Laura! She offered this within 8 hours after his death, if we calculate it after the news of that man's death spread right? Do you think, is it possible to finish all the needed procedures within that short time?"

"She prepared it immediately. You don't know how perfectionist is she! So, stop using your police mind in it and concentrate in your job." She said smacking my head.

"Ahh.." I whined while rubbing my head. She moved from there and stood in front of me placing her both hands on her waist.

"Now, do it by yourself. I'm going."

"It's not fair. You are getting anger on me, just for doubting your boss?"

"Yes. My boss is the great woman I've ever met in my life. So, stop bad mouthing about her."

"Do you trust her that much, more than me?"

"Yes. " I pouted sadly listening to her words. She signed and continued,

"You didn't even know her. But I know her and spending much time with her than I'm spending my time in home. So, I'm sure she will never involved in such crimes. Now, try to find the true killer."

"Alright, I'll never doubt her. Now happy?" I sulked.

She chuckled and said, "Yeah yeah, Happy now... Anyways, I'm going out for grocery. Bye.." she said while walking towards the doorstep of my study room. I looked at her disappearing figure until she left.

After she left, I once again tried to engrosse myself in the work. I lazily opened my laptop with a bored expression. But it turned into a serious one when something unexpected caught my attention.

My hold stiffen on my laptop that I saw a message notification by The Admin of the group. I instantly opened the message and it was a reply message for a particular man in that group.

I looked at my note pad where I mentioned some names. Those names were none other than the name of people to whom she replied throughout the year.

I looked at the name list carefully. Then, it hit in my brain. I hastily took another file placed in the table, which carries the names of the people who were murdered around these years.

I checked all name one by one. And, yes I guess right. She replies to the targeted people before she kidnaps them. This means....

I took out my phone from my pocket and dialed Jungkook. I went out of my apartment and drove away from there in rush. On the way, I called Officer Kim while driving my car.

"Officer Kim, we need your help! Please track the location of a number that I sent now. It's an emergency. "

"Okay, Officer Park. I'll do it in an instant."

"Thank you, officer and sent the location to me immediately." I hung up the call and drove straight to the police station.

There, Jungkook stood outside the station with some other cops. "Is everything ready?" I asked him getting out of my car.

"Yes, senior. I arranged some other cops and told them to follow our car in a little distance." He said and I nodded.

My phone buzzed. I immediately checked it and it's a message from officer Kim. We drove away to the location sent by officer Kim.

Author's POV:

The weather was so chilling outside and the blue sky was now covered by the dark clouds. A cold breeze with the smell of sand spread all around the city. A beautiful silence before the rain with a pleasant ambiance clouded the city.

The silence didn't spread a peaceful vibe this time. It seemed like a silence before a storm which is evily smiling at the city with no emotion.

But, no one where aware of the upcoming danger. Particularly, that one person who was the actual target, was not aware of this and enjoying his heat session in a room where the only light source is the dim sunlight passing through the space between the curtains over the window, with an innocent girl.

Poor girl doesn't even know the actual him who was a horny beast inside but pretending like a mannered man.

He was a sin to born. He making the purity of heat mating into a sin by his dirty deeds. He sucked and devoured every inch of that innocent girls body. His filthy hand roamed everywhere over her body.

She moaned drowning in that feel thinking it will be the beautiful pleasure she ever imagined, not knowing the true intention of that man.

He plunged his dick in her aching womanhood without even caring about her feelings. He contented by listening her sinful noises.

His only focus was on fulfilling his desires.

A lustful beast is he.

He doesn't only breaking her walls of virginity, but also her heart and her feelings.

He was not only dumbing that one girl, but a lot. A lightning stroked on the sky expressing it's hatred for that sinful act.

The sky fuming in anger with it's strong and ferocious thunder strikes. The silent ambiance was now filled with the loud sounds of thunder strikes on the sky.

He took out his lustful dick after a few thrusts of satisfaction and landed on the other side of the bed, breathing unevenly. The girl shyly turned to his side and hugged her naked body with his.

"I love you, honey. And, this... this is... my first time." Saying this she buried her face in his chest out of shy.

But the lustful beast inside him didn't even realize his mistake and smirked in pride. He crowned himself for breaking the virginity of an innocent girl.

How shame?

But, the God already send the death invitation to him in the form of a woman who had no mercy over such fuck boys. Every sin need a punishment right?

Another thunder belt striked near the building where they were, making them jolt a bit by the sudden strike. She hugged him tightly and he caressed her back like a genuine man.

Slowly, the woman drive into a little nap when the sky started releasing it's water droplets one by one.

After sometime when the girl drowned in a deep sleep, the man went towards the bathroom to freshen himself. But stopped in the midway by a phone call. He frowned looking at the unknown number.

"Hello! Who's this?"

"I'm the savior of your life Mr. Oh."

The man chuckled and said, "Savior!? Do you know who am I?"

"I know very well, Mr. Oh. You're a fuck boy who already married but still dumbing and cheating on others."

That man's expression darkened. "Do you have any proof for claiming me as a fuck boy?" He asked with a threatening tone.

"Yes I have. Just watch the video I've sent to you."

He immediately checked his phone and his eyes widened seeing the video of him fucking a girl. He panicked and gulped down the lump formed in his throat.

"Who the hell are you? What do you want from me? Are you a stalker?" He asked more frustrated than before.

"No. I'm the grim reaper chasing you to death."

Good night 😴

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