Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


There were still lights out, but the sun already set, the vanilla sky was so captivating even from looking just passing through a small crack of the vine, I wanted to just rush out. The smell of dirt, trees, humidity, dry leaves on the ground were all in the air just the same. The sound of wings, creatures chipping, I hear it all the same too. But there's a faint different in those smell, there were life in the sunlight.

"It's safe."

Harris was the first to reach out pushes' vines and bushes to the side making way, he stepped out with such caution looking left and right while still holding the greens up. He turned around and gesture to me and Ally to come out as the way was clear. Ally was first and I followed, we both squinted our eyes instantly against the twilight, even though it was about to be dark but the sky was still too bright comparing to the dark cave beneath. I brought myself a little further away from the entry way while my eyes adjusted, Seth and Ciaran also walking out. I looked up seeing all those treetops that was turning from green to yellow and brown intertwined with a dreamlike pastel colors of evening sky. I have never see the sky in any other color than black, I had never dare to come out in the light. Vampires cannot live in sunlight but same as everything else, born vampire can better stand some lights, depending on your bloodline. But no one would survive a direct bright sunlight, not even royalty.

Then we started the journey, Harris was in lead, followed by Ciaran, Ally and Seth side by side right behind the prince. I finally took my eyes off this magnificent sky before striding over to the back of the group. The wood at these hours was strange, it's the time where many creatures find their shelters for the night, it's the time where they head home, it's the time where nightlers emerged and about to be awake.

The last light of the day in the sky slowly dimmed, and I could hear birds and little fairies flapping in distance. Chipping and cheering noise started to layoff, replacing those lively notes with a creeping silent chill of the night. I could smell fires starting in the town neared by, the town where I have visited without anyone's knowing. I could faintly hear people getting home and put down their work and started their cheerly evening. Some parts of me urged not to do the mission, something told me this would be a beginning of great things, positive or terrible I could not tell but it would be the cause of everything changing.

Once the light has gone out in the sky, our eyes very lightly glow in certain angles. We can see almost perfectly in the dark, perfect predator of the night. The forest went still on every inch of the wood we strolled, as if they could sense our coming. We have been walking in silent for most of the night, one of our forte, stealth, had come into play. We were still in close proximity to people, even though we have walked many miles from home, we were still in dangerous territory. So, we kept walking, kept walking and eyes opened. We kept walking to the north, where our target lies. We kept walking to north in silent, in hope of one day we don't have to be. We made no sound, or took no breaks, ears listening for any possible threat.

Harris led us swiftly through these ancient woods, as if he was walking in his own home. He did plenty of informant's jobs for the prince, I guessed he had to roam alone a lot in these lands. I wondered if he ever gone beyond these woods, how far have he gone to. How many people have he encountered, how many species have he met. I wished to be in his shoes, I envied the world he has seen. But I knew it's not an easy task, I knew I did not process the gifts required to do such job. I knew that my dream would not be possible if this mission was not a success.

Ally and Seth were walking next to each other, but a complete opposite. Ally was feminine feline, walk with curves and waves. She was being on alert glancing through the forest beyond, I could tell she was using her power here and there to make sure no strange or unwanted heartbeat coming our way. Seth on the other hand was stiff as a board, everything was in straight line, except the muscle that was not able to all hide under his cloak. It shown out through the fabric of his left sleeve and half of his chest where he had his cloak pushed to the back. He was walking so straight his head did not even turn left or right to look around. I wonder if he was not scared, or he didn't know of the threat that was out there, or he was so in trusted of his fellow companion that he would to let go.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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