Chapter 8

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The image of his face digging into Jennifer's neck flashed in my head, and my heart dropped. I could immediately feel my face turn pale.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

Don't sound so annoyed, dude. You actually want him to talk to you again.

Jungkook sat up straight, as if he were to say something, but nothing came out of his mouth.

"Hello, kids," a teacher walked in. "You'll be taking the exam in about ten minutes, so get settled so that you can start and leave earlier."

"So if you finish before 2, you can leave?" I asked.

She nodded, "indeed."

She handed us out answers' page and the test, and we immediately started working.

The first question; geometry.


I answered all the questions quickly, until question 29, when the history questions rolled in.

Who was the first president of South Korea?

Oh, god, Linnie. Mom didn't teach you this!

I started panicking.

Who was it?! Just choose a familiar name!

Rhee Seungman..

Lee Kangsoo..

Kim Punam..

Kwang Jungshi..

None of them are familiar!

Just pick one, man!

I hesitated, but circled Kwang Jungshi.

The total amount of deaths that occurred in the Korean War is-

Is what?!

3,100 soldiers..

8,000 soldiers..

15,800 soldiers..

5,400 soldiers..

.. 8,000 soldiers.

History questions kept going on and on, until I decided to stop and rest for a moment.

I'm gonna fail this test, I know it, I just do.

I glanced over at Jungkook, who was scribbling down answers like a monster.

How smart is he, exactly?

Pages turned quickly and he wrote viciously.

I looked at his face.

His eyebrows were narrowed and he was biting his lip.

He was so focused on completing the test..

His eyes transitioned to meet mine, but I quickly looked away.

Stop looking at me, he must be thinking, you disgust me.

I disgust myself too, Jungkook.

I remembered him all up on that one girl yesterday.

He was smiling into the kiss and everything.

"Because you're irresistible, Linnie"

Jungkook's words came to my mind.

"You're so perfect-your hair, your body, your personality!"

Stop thinking about it, Linnie!

"Don't try to act humble, Linnie, you know it!"

Linnie, concentrate.

"Linnie, she's you!"

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