Chapter 11

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"You know why I called you in here?" My manager said and sat at his desk.

I sat before him and shook my head.

"I've heard a lot about a girl named Linnie," he said. "There have been some rumors that you and her have been dating."

I scoffed and smiled, "I wish it was like that, sir--"

"Well I don't," he said, cutting me off. "I want you to have nothing to do with her."

My heart froze.

Was he being serious?

"Sir.. What do you mean?" I asked.

"This girl is nothing but trouble. I'm glad you guys aren't together. I want you focusing on your career."

I exhaled sharply, "what are you talking about?! I've been nothing but loyal to this group! I've been working my ass off every day!"

He stood up and slammed his fist on his desk, "And I want you to work harder! Our rates for BTS has dropped tremendously!"

"Then how is it my fault?! You've never called in Rap Monster or Suga!"

"You are the youngest and have the least amount of experience!"

"But I've been working way harder than they have! You don't have a fucking idea how hard I work every single second I get after school!"

My manager was furious by now. His face was fuming.

"That's enough!" He shouted. "Right after graduation, I want you to say goodbye to Linnie and say hello to Xiaofan!"

I squinted my eyes, "What are you talking about?"

"You'll be flying to Beijing on Friday to meet her," he continued. "She's a well known singer and you'll be her boyfriend."

"Why?!" I screamed. "I don't even know her! Why can't someone else be with her?!"

"That's enough Jungkook!" Manager shouted once again. "You will have no say in this! It's either your bright career, or your unrealistic future with that girl."

~~~Linnie's POV~~~

I look over to my left and see my friends smiling.

Today was the day that Jay, Jungkook, Jungmin, Kisoo, Himchan, Donghim Ailee, Jin Yi, and I graduate.

I wish the whole squad was here; it's kinda messed up to leave school before your friends, but it's probably worth our futures.

Noah was waiting outside of the auditorium for me. We were gonna go on a date later.

When my mom found out that he was here, she wasn't too happy.

She never really liked him.

But it didn't matter, because I liked him.

"..and our two junior graduates, Jeon Jungkook and Kim Linnie!" said our homeroom teacher.

Jungkook and I walked up the stage. It was pretty awkward, but I didn't let it make me look bad. I'm gonna be on the news.

We received our diplomas and walked off the stage.

It seemed like nothing too important.

I smiled for pictures at the bottom of the stage and shook Jungkook's hand.

It's been a while since we've had a decent conversation.

His eyes were the same; dark and mysterious. His mouth was the same; plump yet small. His cheeks were the same; round and cheerful.

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