I swore he was just here.

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i hear alecs violent sobbing from across the room he keep wailing his sons name. Its kind of annoying at this point. All i hear is either. "Shhhh.. Anthony daddys here." or just him screaming his sons name aka anthony. he wont stop . I do kinda feel bad for reminding him or the past. But sometimes people need to forgive and forget. Why did i do that? BECAUSE HE WAS FULL ON HARRASING ME. Was that mu exact excuse for me to remind him of his absurd horrid actions. PROBABLY NOT! but its my excuse.

im trying to sleep but i have the odd feeling that somethings gonna happen to me. Like my parents will come down here and kill me. Or find out about Alec being in here. Alec continues to sob his eyes out. Maybe i should have said sorry. Its too late now.
I twist and turn trying to sleep. Alec isn't screaming his sons name now, But hes saying something else?

"Lies lies lies lies. Anthony thats not what happened  right?  right?" Alec repeated to himself. Attemping to ignore the complete and utter truth of what he did
Alec repeats that to himself atleast four to five  ish times. Its getting REALLY annoying. why wont he shut it. Maybe more.
It feels like someone is watching me. Not just one people but two. Its something i HATE. Maybe i should get up? It could be Alec, or my parents.Shit! if its my parents im fucked.. Out of nowhere i feel a tap on my shoulder. I cant get up. It could be my parents with a gun to blow my brains out. I cant move. My body is stunned. No. I feel watched. I dont feel safe. I cant move due to fear. Why. Why am i always the six year old who deserves pain.
I hear two people talk.
"I told you we should have came earlier! They killed her!" one voice says gentle  and caring.She.. she seemed American ? Did my parents HIRE people to kill me..?

"I didnt think that anything bad would happen if we just went for coffee!" another says. They seemed Indian from what i can tell.

These voices seem familiar so i decide to whisper.
"..whos there." i mumble incase i dont know these people.
"GAH. FIORE?" One of them shouts at my lifeless body. I obviously wasnt dead. I just seemed it.
"Open ur eyes dummy." One of them says poking a sharp stick at ne.
"Fine fine! Just stop poking me.  A sharp stick and open wounds dont work well."
i open my eyes and it.. its grett and riya? why are they here and why do they care. I thought Grett and riya HATED eachother?

"Fiore.. We thought you were dead..?" Grett says to me looking SAD?
"Yeah and big boned over here was gonna cry."
Grett gives a nasty look at Riya and the comment. she just made. "Stop string bones" she replied to Riya
"Ew.Stop your flirting or whatever. Why are you guys even here?" i say. i asked. Merely just confused but kinda happy that someones here to save me. Not like Alec would he any help to me.
"We are here to save you?" Gretts announcements like a superhero
"Grett, Baby you know i love you but no. JUST NO. We are no some superheros and grett just somehow met your parents and they JOKED about you dying." riya said looking grett dead in the eyes before grett rolls her eyes and looks away

"Ugh." i say. I stand up and look for alec. I swore i just heard him balling his guts out.

"Wheres alec?" i questioned. Noticing his disappearance from his corner.
"What? what do u mean fiore." Grett says looking alittle shocked. Her voice concerned
"Did nobody tell you?" riya looked a little sad now. Her voice filled with abit of pain
"TELL ME WHAT?" Im curious now." I giggle. Did they save Alec like a superhero? PFFT! Funny.
Grett sighs before looking at riya for her to say it.
"Nobody told her kind innocent soul riy.." Grett mumbled to Riya
"Cut the icky nicknames. Riy? BABY? What are you two? DATING?"
"Not the time fiore!" Grett snaps. Not like her to be so fucking rude??
"grett. Maybe she knows?" Riya says
they keep bickering to eachother for a HOT minute before they both look at me.
"Alec hung himself after the show ended after the show ended." Riya says. She looked away. Not making eye contact.
I sob up. Waterfloods my eyes? He couldn't have. Alec was just there? I cry into my arms.
"but. but he was just there?"
i point to the corner that once Alec sat and cried in.. "I swore he was there! Grett , Riya. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME. IM NOT GOING INSANE. I havent been down here what? two days? less!"
i ramble on before they both bite their lips.
they both chuckle a little before going serious.
Grett looks like shes about to cry but stops.

"You.. you think you've only been here two days..?" Grett says giggling at me

"Oh for fuck sake! How stupid is this kid."

"RIYA!" grett snaps.

"You.. youve been here Two years."

i giggle at what riya says. Theres NO WAY this is possible.
"BULLSHIT!" i yell.

"Fine fine. But Alec did kill himself. I did not lie about that. Due to something he did in his sucidal note or something . Not long before he killed himself his son went missing. Maybe that was the reason?" Riya Looks at me trying to make me feel better.

"No..No.. HE CAUSED HIS SONS DISAPPEARANCE. HE- HE HE HE DID SLL THAT!" i shake my head refusing to accpet the truth.

"Fiore , Dear, Maybe you should sit down.. We'll explain what happened." Grett shushs me after sitting me down on the brick that was nearby.
(sorry faz gang for angst again. Is alec dead? Did he actually kill himself? Or was this all a dream. I guess we wont know.)

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