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Y/N was running errands for Lady Tamayo since she needed more bandages. And since it was daytime, she not Yushiro could go get them.

When Y/N was finished, she had extra money left. Lady Tamayo told her to buy herself something. So, Y/N did what any other rational and responsible teenager did.

She went to the sweets store.

As she opened the door, a couple walked past her but then stopped in their tracks.

Y/N was about to walk in the store but someone placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hi, ma'am. Can we speak with you outside please? It won't take long." The girl said, smiling at her.

"Oh... Sure. Okay." The tree walked to a shadowy corner.

They were both strange. The girl had pink hair that faded into a green. She had pale skin with green eyes to complement it. She also had two beauty marks beneath her eyes.

The man was slightly shorter than the girl. His hair was black and the first thing Y/N noticed about him was the snake that wrapped around his neck. He had one yellow eye and one was a turquoise.

"So, what's your name?" The girl asked, her smile not faltering one moment.

"I'm Y/N." She said, her eyes locked on the snake.

"That's a pretty name, Y/N. My name is Mitsuri Kanroji and this is my friend, Obanai Iguro." Mitsuri said.

Obanai looked down at the bag in Y/N's hand, his eyes narrowing.

As Mitsuri tried making small talk withto Y/N, Obanai wanted to get straight to the point.

"Do you live with demons?" He asked.

"Demons... Oh yeah! I do!" Y/N smiled.


"Don't you know demons are dangerous, Y/N? They could hurt you." Mitsuri said with a concerned tone.

She shakes her head "Don't worry, they're nice. One of the demons I live with is a doctor. I was out getting these bandages for her. See?"

Y/N holds up the bag, only for it to be snatched out of her hand by Obanai. He looked inside the bag and saw it really was just bandages.

He scoffed and pushed the bag into his chest, making her grab it.

"I don't trust a word from your mouth. You've probably been cursed by some blood demon art." He said.

"Iguro..." Mitsuri glared at him, though it wasn't a mean one.

He only crossed his arms and didn't say anything after that.

"Could you maybe take us to your home, Y/N?" Mitsuri asked in her sweet tone.

"Nope!" Y/N smiled confidently.

"Oh... alright then." Mitsuri said, somehow deflation in her voice. She was sure Y/N would say yes to her.

"Have a good evening." Mitsuri smiled, bowing her head.

"You too." Y/N bowed.

She stared at Obanai a little longer before touching his snake. An irk mark appeared on his head and he stepped back.

Y/N smiled before waving at them, walking away.

Poor Y/N didn't get her sweets😭

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