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Avoided Milan as much as I could after the interviews. Didn't want him to question why there was so much tension between Lando and I.

Because honestly I didn't know myself.

He obviously didn't like me because I called him an asshole, which was fair.

But in my defense, he was an asshole.

"What are you up to tonight?" Max asked as he appeared out of no where next to me.

"Uh I don't kn-" I said, looked at him. "Did you wait for me?"

"Uh no?" He answered. "I had to leave as well"

He lied, he was clearly lying. Every driver already left to rest for the race tomorrow.

He definitely waited for me.

"Right" I shrugged it off. Wasn't gonna be bothered by it. Also didn't want to make things awkward.

I made things awkward enough today already.

"I am gonna go to my hotel room and prepare for the interviews tomorrow" I answered his previous question.

"Interviews? I thought you didn't have to do any interviews this weekend?" He asked, still following me.

"Well, Lando said I have to practice, so yeah" I shrugged.

He frowned a little. "So you don't have time tonight?"

I shook my head. "Or do you want to practice doing interviews with me?"

"I only want to practice things with you in bed" he chuckled. "But you don't need practice at that"

Didn't know what to reply to that, so I just giggled awkwardly.

"Can I have your number?" He asked.

"You're pretty straightforward" I said as we walked out of the paddock. "You don't know me at all"

"Do I need to know you to get your number?" He asked. "I had sex with you yesterday"

"Some might say that's less intimate than asking someone's number" I said, walking to my car. "See you tomorrow Max"

He shook his head and laughed. "Good night Gianna"

I was sure he was about to call up some other girl to have sex with tonight.


I've been doing my research on Lando, Mclaren and every other driver on the grid.

I didn't want to go completely blind in those interviews.
People would kill for my job, people who knew everything about F1.

And I knew bits and pieces but definitely not enough.

Walked out of my room to go to the gym. It was already pretty late but I needed a good workout to fall asleep.

As I was walking through the hallway, I spotted a familiar face.

Brown curls, tanned, wearing jogging pants and kissing a blonde girl.

Not that I cared though. He did whatever he wanted.

They stopped kissing as soon as they heard me walking passed.

I walked a bit faster, because it felt awkward.

Put my stuff down as soon as I walked in the gym and made my way to the treadmill.

And only a couple of minutes later, someone else walked in as well.

"So miss Sky Sports, it's kinda late for a workout, don't you think?" Lando said.

I sighed as I took my headphones off.

"It helps me to fall asleep" I answered, didn't stop running though.

"Sure" he said, putting his back against the wall, crossing his arms in front of his chest and didn't stop looking at me. "About what you saw..."

"I don't care about that" I said, shrugging my shoulders. I never cared about the personal lives of the athletes.

"You're a journalist, you do care about that" he said as he took a couple of steps closer. Stood in front of my treadmill, but I ignored his idiotic comment.

Not every journalist cared about that.

"What do you want?" He asked, pressing the button to make my treadmill stop.

"I want to run, I want to finish my workout in peace" I said annoyed. But I knew he wasn't gonna leave me alone, so I jumped off it, grabbed my stuff and wanted to walk away.

But he blocked my path. "How much money do you want to keep your mouth shut?"

I chuckled. "You're even a bigger asshole than I thought"

Walked passed him, my shoulder brushed against his but he didn't say anything else.

And now I was running again, away from that asshole.

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