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Walked in the paddock the next day with Lando by my side.
We knew it wouldn't be an easy day, it was gonna be a horrible one.

Especially for Lando, but I was gonna support him throughout the day.

"Just concentrate on the race, don't think about anything else, okay?" I squeezed his hand a little.

"I will" he mumbled. He was more quiet than normally. Didn't know what to think about that, didn't want him to feel bad or embarrassed.

I had to prevent the media from publishing it.

So after I wished Lando good luck, I walked to the media center.

An angry looking Myliza was waiting for me in front of it. Fuck, I totally forgot to text her.

"Where the fuck have you been?" She said as soon as she saw me.

"I was with Lando.." I almost whispered. Didn't want to anyone to hear. Especially not the media.

"All night?" She frowned. "What happened? I thought he cheated?"

"Well, turned out he didn't" I shrugged. "Sophie gave him her number and he thought it was mine"

"So he thought he was sexting you.." she made the right conclusion herself.

"Exactly" I nodded.

"What an absolute bitch" she chuckled sarcastically. "Is she in love with him or something?"

Didn't think about that, because I thought she just wanted to frame him, didn't think she did it because she liked him.

"I don't know, but please go to Mclaren and support Lando"

Didn't want Lando to be alone right now.

"Okay, but if you need someone to help you kill her, text me" she said, hugged me and walked to the Mclaren garage.

Definitely wasn't gonna do that, needed to play this smart even though I had no plan yet.

Just when I wanted to confront her, I decided against is. It would be smarter if I used this in my advantage.

So I wasn't gonna act without thinking, or without a plan.
I was gonna fake, just like she did.

I watched the race in the media center with Milan and Jesse.
Lando finished on the podium, on P2. Couldn't be happier for him.

And I wish I could go and see him on the podium.

But that would probably be too obvious.

"Just go" Milan nodded. "He will be looking for you"

"People will start talking.." I mumbled.

"People will talk no matter what, especially when his texts come out" he said and he was right about it.

Walked out of the media center, I wanted to get Myliza from the Mclaren garage first, but she was already walking to me.

"Let's go look at your man" she whispered, pulling me with her.

We pushed through the crowd, until we were almost standing in front of them.

We were still standing behind Zak and the Mclaren team. Didn't want all the attention on me and didn't want people to question what I was doing here.

Lando walked on the podium, he looked happy, but unfortunately, I noticed he wasn't completely happy.

He couldn't fully enjoy this moment.

He wasn't smiling, until he noticed me. He looked in my eyes and a smile immediately appeared on his cute face.

I would do everything to make him smile like that.

We kept looking at each other, both with a smile on our faces.

And just when I thought we were gonna figure it all out, Myliza nudged me softly, showed me something on her phone.

Someone published all his texts, some rubbish website published them.

I sighed as I looked back up at him. He had no idea about it yet and I was gonna pretend as if nothing happened, for now.

Wanted him to enjoy his last moments of peace.

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